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Using the following function foo() as a simple example, I'd like to distribute the values given in ... two different functions, if possible.


foo <- function(x, y, ...) {
    list(sum = sum(x, ...), grep = grep("abc", y, ...))

In the following example, I would like na.rm to be passed to sum(), and value to be passed to grep(). But I get an error for an unused argument in grep().


X <- c(1:5, NA, 6:10)
Y <- "xyzabcxyz"
foo(X, Y, na.rm = TRUE, value = TRUE)
# Error in grep("abc", y, ...) : unused argument (na.rm = TRUE)

It seems like the arguments were sent to grep() first. Is that correct? I would think R would see and evaluate sum() first, and return an error for that case.


Furthermore, when trying to split up the arguments in ..., I ran into trouble. sum()'s formal arguments are NULL because it is a .Primitive, and therefore I cannot use

此外,当试图将论点分开......时,我遇到了麻烦。 sum()的形式参数是NULL,因为它是.Primitive,因此我无法使用

names(formals(sum)) %in% names(list(...))

I also don't want to assume that the leftover arguments from


names(formals(grep)) %in% names(list(...))

are to automatically be passed to sum().


How can I safely and efficiently distribute ... arguments to multiple functions so that no unnecessary evaluations are made?


In the long-run, I'd like to be able to apply this to functions with a long list of ... arguments, similar to those of download.file() and scan().


3 个解决方案



Separate Lists If you really want to pass different sets of parameters to different functions then it's probably cleaner to specify separate lists:


foo <- function(x, y, sum = list(), grep = list()) {
 list(sum = do.call("sum", c(x, sum)), grep = do.call("grep", c("abc", y, grep)))

# test

X <- c(1:5, NA, 6:10)
Y <- "xyzabcxyz"
foo(X, Y, sum = list(na.rm = TRUE), grep = list(value = TRUE))

## $sum
## [1] 55
## $grep
## [1] "xyzabcxyz"

Hybrid list / ... An alternative is that we could use ... for one of these and then specify the other as a list, particularly in the case that one of them is frequently used and the other is infrequently used. The frequently used one would be passed via ... and the infrequently used via a list. e.g.

混合列表/ ...另一种选择是我们可以使用...作为其中之一,然后将另一个指定为列表,特别是在经常使用其中一个而另一个不经常使用的情况下。经常使用的一个将通过...传递,并且通过列表不经常使用。例如

foo <- function(x, y, sum = list(), ...) {
 list(sum = do.call("sum", c(x, sum)), grep = grep("abc", y, ...))

foo(X, Y, sum = list(na.rm = TRUE), value = TRUE)

Here are a couple of examples of the hybrid approach from R itself:


i) The mapply function takes that approach using both ... and a MoreArgs list:


> args(mapply)
function (FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) 

ii) nls also takes this approach using both ... and the control list:


> args(nls)
function (formula, data = parent.frame(), start, cOntrol= nls.control(), 
    algorithm = c("default", "plinear", "port"), trace = FALSE, 
    subset, weights, na.action, model = FALSE, lower = -Inf, 
    upper = Inf, ...) 



  1. Why does grep error before sum?


    See that sum is a lot more accommodating with its arguments:


    X <- c(1:5, NA, 6:10)
    sum(X, na.rm = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    ## [1] 56

    It doesn't failed because it doesn't care about other named arguments, so the value = TRUE simplifies to just TRUE which sums to 1. Incidentally:

    它没有失败,因为它不关心其他命名参数,所以value = TRUE简化为TRUE,总和为1.顺便说一下:

    sum(X, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## [1] 55
  2. How to split ... to different functions?


    One method (that is very prone to error) is to look for the args for the target functions. For instance:


    foo <- function(x, y, ...){
        argnames <- names(list(...))
        sumargs <- intersect(argnames, names(as.list(args(sum))))
        grepargs <- intersect(argnames, names(as.list(args(grep))))
        list(sum = do.call(sum, c(list(x), list(...)[sumargs])),
             grep = do.call(grep, c(list("abc", y), list(...)[grepargs])))

    This is prone to error anytime the arguments a function uses are not properly reported by args, such as S3 objects. As an example:


    ## [1] "x"   "y"   "..." ""   
    ##  [1] "x"           "y"           "type"        "xlim"        "ylim"       
    ##  [6] "log"         "main"        "sub"         "xlab"        "ylab"       
    ## [11] "ann"         "axes"        "frame.plot"  "panel.first" "panel.last" 
    ## [16] "asp"         "..."         ""           

    In this case, you could substitute the appropriate S3 function. Because of this, I don't have a generalized solution for this (though I don't know that it does or does not exist).




You can only pass the ... argument to another function, if that other function includes all named arguments that you pass to ... or if it has a ... argument itself. So for sum, this is no problem (args(sum) returns function (..., na.rm = FALSE)). On the other hand grep has neither na.rm nor ... as an argument.

您只能将...参数传递给另一个函数,如果该其他函数包含您传递给的所有命名参数...或者它本身具有...参数。所以总和来说,这没有问题(args(sum)返回函数(...,na.rm = FALSE))。另一方面,grep既没有na.rm也没有...作为论据。

# function (pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, value = FALSE, 
#     fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, invert = FALSE) 

This does not include ... and also does not include a named argument na.rm either. A simple solution is to just define your own function mygrep as follows:


mygrep <- function (pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, value = FALSE, 
                    fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, invert = FALSE, ...)
  grep(pattern, x, ignore.case, perl, value, fixed, useBytes, invert)

Then it seems to work:


foo <- function(x, y, ...){
  list(sum = sum(x, ...), grep = mygrep("abc", y, ...))
X <- c(1:5, NA, 6:10)
Y <- "xyzabcxyz"
foo(X, Y, na.rm = TRUE, value = TRUE)

# $sum
# [1] 56
# $grep
# [1] "xyzabcxyz"

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