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I was wondering if it was possible to have 1 database, but multiple logins (so that when a developer leaves, we don't have to change the entire db password and all instances of it).


If that's possible, how would I do it? (I have NO experience with phpmyadmin aside from code related queries, I'm doing research for a friend who would be able to implement it)

如果可能的话,我该怎么做? (除了代码相关的查询,我没有phpmyadmin的经验,我正在为能够实现它的朋友做研究)

Thanks in advanced!


3 个解决方案



phpMyAdmin has a simple way of creating new SQL users. From the home screen, click on the database in the left column for which you want to add a new user. Click on the Privileges tab. At the bottom, there is a command labeled, "Add new user"; click that. Type in the username and password that you want to assign to the account. To restrict the user to that database, select "Grant all privileges on database."


Note: I'm using phpMyAdmin




Yes that is possible. If you are using localhost, just login and create a new user and give the privileges for the database.



If you are hosted server on Linux, there is an option to create new users and and assign to the databases with different privileges.




Yes, it's quite simple. PhpMyAdmin validates logins against MySQL's user permissions list. Simply create multiple MySQL users with full privileges on the DB in question and give each admin their own user.

是的,这很简单。 PhpMyAdmin根据MySQL的用户权限列表验证登录。只需创建多个具有相关数据库完全权限的MySQL用户,并为每个管理员提供自己的用户。

It's easy to set this up from directly inside PhpMyAdmin. Just log in as a high-privilege user and click the "Privileges" tab. Then "Add New User" and specify the username, the host (generally localhost), a password and then create the user (with no privileges checked). Once the user is created, go back to the user list on the Privileges tab and click the edit button next to your new user. Then, under "Database-specific privileges", select the database you'd like to grant privileges... then just select all the rights you want to give this user and click "Go". This new MySQL user and password can now be issued to an admin so he/she can log into PhpMyAdmin, and it revoked at any time in the future.


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