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Just came across this on apple Keychain Services Concepts

刚刚在Apple Keychain Services Concepts上遇到过这个问题

Note: On iPhone, Keychain rights depend on the provisioning profile used to sign your application. Be sure to consistently use the same provisioning profile across different versions of your application.


I also know that provisioning profiles can change for many reasons, including adding a new functionality like push notification, adding watch support, or even adding a new team member.


Now am I correct to assume that whenever above changes occur, new versions of my app will no longer be able to access keychain items that were created with previous versions?




2 个解决方案



You are completely WRONG. The Keychain Acces only depends on the bundle identifier of your application and the profile which was first used to create the app. If it would depend of your code-provisioning profiles changes, indeed what you said would be correct, but if so, the bussinesses and the enterprises would be totally unable to develop updates for their applications, which would have also included the old info stored in the Keychain. That's because in a bussiness, people come and leave often!

你完全错了。 Keychain Acces仅取决于应用程序的包标识符以及最初用于创建应用程序的配置文件。如果它取决于您的代码配置配置文件更改,实际上您所说的是正确的,但如果是这样,企业和企业将完全无法为其应用程序开发更新,这也包括存储在其中的旧信息钥匙扣。那是因为在商业中,人们经常来这里离开!

Note: On iPhone, Keychain rights depend on the provisioning profile used to sign your application. Be sure to consistently use the same provisioning profile across different versions of your application.


Apple said, but you didn't understand that just right. You can add a team member, add push notification services and so on, as long as the provisioning profile stays the same!



If you change the provisioning profile just to add a team member, yes, your assumption is right, but it just isn't the best way of doing this!


TUTORIAL (on how to add a team member to a provisioning profile)





keychain directly depepds on Bundle id , if bundle id remain same then your app can acess keychain , so provisioning profile should map the same bundle id if app needs to acccess keychain.

keychain直接取决于Bundle id,如果bundle id保持不变,那么你的app可以访问keychain,因此如果app需要访问keychain,配置文件应映射相同的bundle id。

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