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Firebug is the most convenient tool I've found for editing CSS - so why isn't there a simple "save" option for CSS?


I am always finding myself making tweaks in Firebug, then going back to my original .css file and replicating the tweaks.


Has anyone come up with a better solution?


EDIT: I'm aware the code is stored on a server (in most cases not my own), but I use it when building my own websites.


Firebug's just using the .css file Firefox downloaded from the server, it knows precisely what lines in which files it's editing. I can't see why there's not an "export" or "save" option, which allows you to store the new .css file. (Which I could then replace the remote one with).


I have tried looking in temporary locations, and choosing File > Save... and experimenting with the output options on Firefox, but I still haven't found a way.

我试过在临时位置查找,并选择File > Save…在Firefox上尝试输出选项,但我还是找不到方法。

EDIT 2: The official discussion group has a lot of questions, but no answers.


23 个解决方案



I got here looking exactly for this feature, that is, being able to save edited CSS properties back to the original file (on my local development machine). Unfortunately after searching a lot and not finding anything that suits my needs (OK, there's CSS Updater but you have to register and it's a paid extension...) I gave up on Firefox + Firebug and looked for something similar for Google Chrome. Guess what... I just found this great post that shows a nice way of getting this to work ( built into Chrome - there's no need for additional extensions ):

我在这里查找这个特性,即能够将经过编辑的CSS属性保存回原始文件(在我的本地开发机器上)。不幸的是,在搜索了很多之后,没有找到任何适合我需要的东西(好的,有CSS更新程序,但是你必须注册,这是付费扩展…)我放弃了Firefox + Firebug,寻找类似谷歌的Chrome浏览器。你猜怎么着……我刚刚发现了这篇很棒的文章,它展示了一种很好的方式来让它工作(内置到Chrome中——不需要额外的扩展):

Change CSS and SAVE on local file system using Chrome Developer Tools


enter image description here

I tried it now and it works great highlighting the changed lines. Just click Save and you're done! :)


Here's a video explaining this and much more: Google I/O 2011: Chrome Dev Tools Reloaded

这里有一个视频解释这个,还有更多:谷歌I/O 2011: Chrome开发工具重新加载

I hope it helps if it doesn't matter to you changing browser while editing your CSS files. I made the change already for now, but I would really love to have this functionality built into Firebug. :)


[Update 1]


Today I just saw this video: Firefox CSS live edit in Sublimetext (work in progress) Looks promising indeed.

今天我看到了这个视频:Firefox CSS live edit in Sublimetext(正在开发)看起来确实很有前途。

[Update 2]


If you happen to be using Visual Studio 2013 with Web Essentials you'll be able to sync CSS automagically as shown in this video:

如果你碰巧在使用Visual Studio 2013与Web Essentials软件包时,你将能够自动同步CSS,如本视频所示:

Web Essentials: Browser tools integration

Web Essentials:浏览器工具集成。



Been wondering the same for quite some time now,
just gut-wrenching when your in-the-moment-freestyle-css'ing with firebug gets blown to bits by
an accidental reload or whatnot....

想知道相同的很长一段时间了,只是撕心裂肺的痛苦,当你与firebug in-the-moment-freestyle-css等等被意外被炸成碎片重新加载或诸如此类的....

For my intents and purposes, I've finally found the tool.... : FireDiff.


It gives you a new tab, probably some weird David Bowie reference, called "changes"; which not only allows you to see/save what firebug, i. e. you, have been doing,
but also optionally track changes made by the page itself....if it and/or you are so inclined.

它给你一个新的标签,可能是一些奇怪的David Bowie引用,叫做“改变”;不仅可以让你看到/保存firebug,即你,还一直在做,但选择跟踪更改的页面本身....如果它和/或你如此倾向。

So thankful not having to re-type, or re-imagine and then re-re-type, every css rule I make...


Here is a link to the developer (don't be disparaged by first appearance, mayhap just as well head straight over to the Mozilla Add-On repository .




The Web Developer add-on let's you save your edits. I'd like to combine the editing of Firebug with the Save feature of Web Developer.

Web Developer插件让我们保存您的编辑。我想把Firebug的编辑与Web Developer的保存功能结合起来。

alt text

Use the "Save" button (click CSS menu -> Edit CSS) to save the modified CSS to disk.


Recomendation: Use the "Stick" button to prevent losing your changes when you change the tab for doing other browsing. If it is possible, use only one tab to do the edit and other firefox window the related searches, webmail, etc.





I'm surprised that it still not listed to this question, but probably because is new and the author didn't had time to promote it yet.


It is called CSS-X-Fire and it is a plugin for JetBrains series of IDEs : IntelliJ IDEA, PHPWebStorm, PyCharm, WebStorm, RubyMine.

它被称为CSS-X-Fire,是JetBrains系列ide的插件:IntelliJ IDEA, PHPWebStorm, PyCharm, WebStorm, RubyMine。

How it works: You install one of these IDEs and configure the deployment (supports FTP and SCP). This will allow you to stay in sync with the server.


After this you install this plugin. When it starts it will ask tell you that he will install a plugin for firefox in order to do the integration between Firebug and the IDE. If it fails to install the plugin just use the drag-n-drop technique to install it.


Once installed it will track all your changes from Firebug and you will be able to apply them with a simple click inside de IDE.


CSS-X-Fire window inside the IDE.


FireFile is an alternative that requires you to add one small php file to the server side in order to be able to upload the modified css.




I just released a firebug addon at the mozilla addon sandbox which might quite do what you want: https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/52365/

我刚刚在mozilla addon沙箱中发布了一个firebug addon,它可能会做你想做的事情:https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/52365/。

It actually saves the "touched" css files on demand to your web server (by communication with a one-file webservice php script).

它实际上将“触摸”css文件保存到您的web服务器上(通过与一个文件webservice php脚本通信)。

Documentation can be found at my homepage or on the addon page


I would appreciate any testing, bug reports, comments, ratings, discussion on this, as it's still in early beta, but should already work fine.




You could link firebug to eclipse with fireclipse and then save the file from eclipse




I think the closest you're going to get is by going into Edit mode in Firebug and copying and pasting the contents of the CSS file.




We just introduced Backfire, an open source Javascript engine that allows you to save CSS changes made in Firebug and Webkit inspector to the server. The library includes an example C# implementation of how to save the incoming changes to your CSS.


Here's a blog post about how it works: http://blog.quplo.com/2010/08/backfire-save-css-changes-made-in-firebug/

这里有一个关于它如何工作的博客:http://blog.quplo.com/2010/08/backfire- css- changes-madamebug/

And here's the code hosted at Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/backfire/




I know this doesn't answer your question, but surprisingly, Internet Explorer 8's Firebug clone "developer toolbar" (accessible via F12) offers the option to "save html". This function saves the current DOM to a local file, which means that if you edit the DOM somehow, e.g. by adding a style attribute somewhere, this will be saved too.

我知道这并不能回答你的问题,但令人惊讶的是,Internet Explorer 8的Firebug克隆“developer toolbar”(可通过F12访问)提供了“save html”选项。此函数将当前DOM保存到本地文件中,这意味着如果您以某种方式编辑DOM,例如通过在某处添加样式属性,也将保存该DOM。

Not particularly useful if you're using Firebug to mess around with CSS like everyone does, but a step in the right direction.




I propose a solution that involves a combination of Firebug and FireFTP as well as code that directly accesses the local file system when running a website locally.


Here are the scenarios:


Working on a website that is hosted on a remote machine


In this case you would provide the FTP details and the location of the CSS/HTML/Javascript and Firebug would then update these files when you save your changes. It may even be able to locate the files itself and then prompt you to verify that it has the correct file. If file names are unique it shouldn't be a problem.


Working on a website running on your local machine


In this case you could provide Firebug with the local folder location of the website and the same behaviour would be used to match and verify the files. The access to the local file system could be performed through FireFTP if necessary.


Working on a website hosted remotely without FTP access


In this case something like the FireFile add-on would have to be implemented.


An additional feature would be the ability to save and open project files that store the mappings between the local files and the URLs they are associated with as well as saving the FTP details as FireFTP already does.




I am the author of CSS-X-Fire which Sorin Sbarnea also kindly posted about in this thread. Guess I'm a bit late ;)

我是CSS-X-Fire的作者,Sorin Sbarnea也在这篇文章中亲切地提到。我想我有点晚了。

CSS-X-Fire emits CSS property changes from Firebug to the IDE where the changes can be applied or discarded.

CSS- x - fire将CSS属性从Firebug发送到可以应用或丢弃更改的IDE。

There are a couple of advantages with this solution over most of the other existing tools which only know know about the filenames and the content downloaded by the browser (see NickFitz comment in the original post).


Scenario 1: You have a website (project) which has a handful of themes from which the user can select from. Each theme has its own CSS file but only one is known to Firebug, the current one. CSS-X-Fire will detect all matching selectors in the project and let you decide which should be modified.


Scenario 2: The web project has stylesheets created compile-time or during deployment. They might be merged from several files and the file names may change. CSS-X-Fire doesn't care of the names of the files, it only deals with CSS selector names and their properties.

场景2:web项目有在编译时或部署期间创建的样式表。它们可能与几个文件合并,文件名可能会改变。CSS- x - fire不关心文件的名称,它只处理CSS选择器名称及其属性。

Above are examples of scenarios where CSS-X-Fire excels. Since it works with the source files, and knows about the language structure, it also helps to find duplicates not known to Firebug, jump-to-code, etcetera.

上面是CSS-X-Fire出色的例子。因为它与源文件一起工作,并且知道语言结构,所以它还有助于发现不知道Firebug、jumpto -code等等的副本。

CSS-X-Fire is open source under the Apache 2 license. Project home: http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/

CSS-X-Fire是Apache 2许可下的开源软件。项目:http://code.google.com/p/css-x-fire/




Firebug was created to detect a problem not to be a debugger. but you can save change if you add new tool that integrate firebug with save changes. it is FireFile, click here http://thelistoflist.blogspot.com/2010/04/how-to-save-change-you-make-in-firebug.html.

创建Firebug是为了检测不是调试器的问题。但是,如果您添加新的工具来集成firebug和save更改,您可以保存更改。它是FireFile,点击这里http://thelist.blogspot.com/2010/04/howto -save-change-you-make-in-firebug.html。

FireFile provide the desired functionality by adding a small PHP file to the server side.




Since Firebug is not working on your server but taking the CSS from the site and storing it locally and showing you the site with those local changes.




Use the CSS editor in the Firefox Web Developer toolbar:

在Firefox Web Developer工具栏中使用CSS编辑器:



It's got enough good stuff to use in conjunction with Firebug, and it lets you save your CSS out to a text file.




Use Backfire.




It's an open source solution that sends CSS changes back to the server and saves them.


Backfire uses a single Javascript file, and the sourcecode package has a working .NET server implementation example that is easily portable to other platforms.




I had this problem forever as well, and finally decided that we shouldn't be editing things in the web inspector and built something for it (https://github.com/viatropos/design.io).


A better solution:


The browser automatically reflects CSS changes without reloading when you press save in your text editor.


The main reason we're editing css in the web inspector (I use webkit, but FireBug is along the same lines) is because we need to make small adjustments, and it takes too long to reload the page.

我们在web inspector(我使用webkit,但是FireBug是沿着同一条线编辑css)中编辑css的主要原因是我们需要进行小的调整,重新加载页面需要很长时间。

There are 2 main problems with this approach. First, you're allowed to edit an individual element that may not have an id selector. So even if you were able to copy/paste the generated CSS from the web inspector, it would have to generate an id to scope the css. Something like:

这种方法有两个主要问题。首先,允许编辑可能没有id选择器的单个元素。因此,即使您能够从web inspector复制/粘贴生成的CSS,它也必须生成一个id来确定CSS的范围。喜欢的东西:

#element-127 {
  background: red;

That would start making your css a mess.


You could get around that by only changing styles for an existing selector (the .space class selector in the webkit inspector image below).

您可以通过只改变现有选择器的样式来解决这个问题(webkit inspector映像中的.space类选择器)。

Webkit Inspector

Still though, the second problem. The interface to that thing is pretty rough, it's hard to make big changes - like if you want to try real quick copying this block of css to this place, or whatever.


I'd rather just stick to TextMate.


The ideal would be to just write the CSS in your text editor and have the browser reflect the changes without reloading the page. This way you'd be writing your final css as you're making the little changes.


The next level would be to write in a dynamic CSS language, like Stylus, Less, SCSS, etc, and have that update the browser with the generated CSS. This way you could start creating mixins like box-shadow(), that abstracted away the complexities, which the web inspector definitely couldn't do.

下一个级别是使用动态CSS语言编写,比如手写笔、Less、SCSS等,并使用生成的CSS更新浏览器。通过这种方式,您可以开始创建像box-shadow()这样的混合器,这样就消除了复杂性,这是web inspector绝对做不到的。

There's a few things out there that kind of do this, but nothing really streamlining it in my opinion.


  • LiveReload: pushes css to browser without refreshing when you press save, but it's a mac app, so it'd be difficult to customize.
  • LiveReload:当你按下save时,将css推送到浏览器,但它是一个mac应用程序,所以很难定制。
  • CodeKit: also a mac app, but it refreshes the browser every time you save.
  • CodeKit:也是一款mac应用,但每次保存时都会刷新浏览器。

Not having the ability to easily customize the way these work is the main reason I didn't use them.


I put together https://github.com/viatropos/design.io specifically to solve this problem, and make it so:


  1. The browser reflects the css/js/html/etc anytime you save, without reloading the page
  2. 浏览器反映css/js/html等任何时候你保存,没有重新加载页面
  3. It can handle any template/language/framework (Stylus, Less, CoffeeScript, Jade, Haml, etc.)
  4. 它可以处理任何模板/语言/框架(手写笔、更少、咖啡稿、翡翠、Haml等)。
  5. It's written in Javascript, and you can whip together extensions real quick in Javascript.
  6. 它是用Javascript编写的,您可以在Javascript中快速组合扩展。

This way, when you need to make those little changes to CSS, you can say, set background color, press save, see nope, not quite, adjust the hue by 10, save, nope, adjust by 5, save, looks good.


The way it works is by watching whenever you save a file (at the os level), processing the file (this is where the extensions work), and pushing the data to the browser through websockets, which are then handled (the client side of the extension).


Not to plug or anything, but I struggled with this issue for a long ass time.


Hope that helps.




Firebug works on the computed CSS (the one which you get by taking the CSS in the files and applying inheritance, etc. plus the changes made with Javascript). This means that probably you couldn't use it directly to include in an HTML file, which is browser/version specific (unless you care only about Firefox). On the other hand, it keeps track of what is original and what is computed... I think it should not be very difficult to add some JS to Firebug to be able to export that CSS to a text file.




I was wondering why can't I bloody well select and copy the text in front of my eyes. Especially when others say you can just "select and copy". Turns out you can, you just have to start the drag outside of any text (i.e. in the gutter above or to the left of the text) as any mousedown -- whether it's a click or drag -- on any text immediately invokes the property editor. You can also click outside text to get a cursor (even if it's not always visible) which you can then move around with the arrow keys and select text that way.
The text copied to the clipboard is devoid of any indenting, unfortunately, but at least it saves you from manually transcribing the entire contents of the CSS file. Just have your diff programme ignore changes in whitespace when comparing against the original.




You could write your own server script file that takes a filename parameter and a content parameter.


The server script would find the requested file and replace its contents with the new one.


Writing the Javascript that taps into firebug's info and retrieves the useful data would be the tricky part.


I'd personally rather ask the dev team at firebug to supply a function, it shouldn't be too hard for them.


Finally, Ajax sends the filename/content pair to the php file you created.




Quoted from the Firebug FAQ:

引用Firebug FAQ:

Editing Pages

  • Can I save to the source the changes I made to the webpage I'm seeing?


    Right now you can't. As John J. Barton wrote on the newsgroup:

    现在你不能。正如约翰·巴顿(John J. Barton)在新闻组上所写:

    Editing in Firebug is kinda like taking out the pickles from and adding mustard to a restaurant sandwich: you can enjoy the result, but the next customer at the restaurant will still get pickles and no mustard.


    This is a long-requested functionality, so someday it'll be available directly from Firebug. Meanwhile, you can try Firediff, an extension for firebug by Kevin Decker.

    这是一个长期请求的功能,因此有一天它将直接从Firebug中获得。与此同时,你可以试试Firediff, Kevin Decker为firebug开发的扩展。

  • How can I output all changes that have been made to a site's CSS within firebug?


    That's a feature implemented in Kevin Decker's Firediff.




Here's a partial solution. After you make your changes, click on one of the links to the relevant file. This is the original file, so you'll have to refresh the file, which is under the options menu button in the upper right of the firebug pane. Now you have the modified css page, which you can copy & paste. Obviously, you'll have to do it for each css file.


Edit: looks like Mark Biek has a quicker version

编辑:看起来Mark Biek有一个更快的版本



A very easy way to "edit" your page is to go onto the site via your internet browser. Save the page as html only onto your desktop. Go to your desktop and right click on the new web page file and select open with, choose notepad and edit the page from there, if you know html it will be easy. After all your editing is done, save the file and reopen your webpage, the changes should be there if done correctly. You can then use your new edited page and export or copy it to your remote location

一个非常简单的“编辑”你的页面的方法是通过你的互联网浏览器进入网站。将页面作为html保存到桌面。回到你的桌面,右键单击新的网页文件,选择open with,选择记事本,然后从那里编辑页面,如果你知道html,这很容易。完成所有的编辑后,保存文件并重新打开网页,如果操作正确,修改应该在那里。然后,您可以使用新的编辑页面并将其导出或复制到远程位置



Actually Firebug is a debug and analyze-Tool: not an editor and obviously not considered to be one. The other reason was already mentioned: how to you want to change CSS, stored on a server when debugging a webpage?


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    WebSocketprotocol是HTML5一种新的协议。它的最大特点就是,服务器可以主动向客户端推送信息,客户端也可以主动向服务器发送信息,是真正的双向平等对话,属于服务器推送 ... [详细]
  • Java在运行已编译完成的类时,是通过java虚拟机来装载和执行的,java虚拟机通过操作系统命令JAVA_HOMEbinjava–option来启 ... [详细]
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