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I’ve been using Facebook since it went live at my school back when I was still a student, which if the date stamp on the first post on my Wall is accurate, was late 2004. In that time I’ve seen the site — and my usage of it — undergo many changes. From changing its name from thefacebook.com to Facebook, to opening up to the public, and launching the game changing Facebook platform, the world’s largest social network has undergone a transformation over the past 4 years. But even though Facebook continues to grow like a weed, there is some evidence that users of the site could be becoming fatigued.

自从我还是个学生的时候就在我学校上线以来,我一直在使用Facebook 。如果我在Wall上发布的第一篇文章的日期戳是准确的,那是在2004年末。那时,我看到了该网站-和我的用法-进行了许多更改。 从将其名字从thefacebook.com更改为Facebook,到向公众开放,以及启动改变游戏规则的Facebook平台, 全球最大的社交网络在过去4年中经历了一次变革。 但是,即使Facebook像杂草一样继续增长,也有一些证据表明该网站的用户可能会变得疲倦 。

Facebook is at a fairly critical point in its development. It still trails MySpace in the lucrative US market, it is facing increased pressure from Google’s OpenSocial platform, and it is struggling to justify its $15 billion valuation. So what should Facebook do next? Here are two radical ideas that could keep it on top.

Facebook处于发展的关键时刻。 它仍然在利润丰厚的美国市场上落后于MySpace,正面临来自Google OpenSocial平台的越来越大的压力,并且正努力为其150亿美元的估值辩护 。 那么,Facebook接下来该怎么做? 这里有两个可以使它保持领先地位的激进想法。

开放平台 (Open Up Its Platform)

No, I mean, really open up its platform. Opening Facebook to developers via the F8 platform a little over a year ago was by most accounts a brilliant move. Some people have compared Facebook’s platform growth to the early years Microsoft Windows. And while Top Friends and Scrabulous are hardly the killer apps that Microsoft Office and Outlook have been for Windows, that’s clearly the story Facebook is attempting to enact. Their plan goes something like this: create a platform, attract developers to it, get users hooked on the killer apps, lock them in and keep them there, make money after you’ve become indispensable.

不,我的意思是, 确实要开放其平台。 一年多以前,通过F8平台向开发人员开放Facebook是一个绝妙的举动。 有人将Facebook平台的增长与早期Microsoft Windows进行了比较。 尽管Top Friends和Scrabulous几乎不是Microsoft Office和Outlook一直用于Windows的杀手级应用程序,但这显然是Facebook试图制定的故事。 他们的计划是这样的:创建平台,吸引开发者使用,吸引用户使用杀手级应用程序,将其锁定并保留在那里,并在您变得不可或缺之后赚钱。

Data portability concerns aside (I’m not convinced anyone outside of the early adopter set really cares anyway), that’s a pretty good plan. If they succeed, Facebook becomes a must-visit destination for users because of the organically grown app ecosystem.

除了数据可移植性问题之外(无论如何,我都不相信早期采用者组中的任何人都真的很在乎),这是一个不错的计划。 如果他们成功了,那么由于有机增长的应用程序生态系统,Facebook将成为用户必游的目的地。

There is a way to drastically speed up the process, though: open up even further. I’m not talking about just the the application platform, but all the social network’s plumbing as well. Facebook recently Ning-style hosted niche social network platform — let anyone create their own niche Facebook. Call it Ning with a built in social graph. Ning has grown like crazy because its customers do all of its promoting. Facebook could do the same thing and spread itself across the web inside thousands of niche Facebooks.

但是,有一种方法可以大大加快该过程:进一步开放。 我不仅在谈论应用程序平台,还在谈论所有社交网络。 Facebook最近以Ning风格托管的利基社交网络平台-允许任何人创建自己的利基Facebook。 使用内置的社交图谱将其称为Ning。 Ning 变得疯狂起来,因为其客户全力以赴。 Facebook可以做同样的事情,并在数以千计的利基Facebook中在网络中传播自己。

And with enterprise spending on web 2.0 tech — including social networks — expected to hit $4.3 billion by 2013, they could white label their offering and make a little cash along the way.

预计到2013年 ,企业在Web 2.0技术(包括社交网络)上的支出将达到43亿美元 ,他们可以将其产品贴上白色标签,并一路赚钱。

成为虚拟计算机 (Become a Virtual Computer)

This isn’t really that radical, actually. It’s no secret that Facebook is aiming to become the web OS of the future (or perhaps even the web of the future, in which everything flows through Facebook). In order to become the operating system for the web, though, Facebook will need to do two things: they need some app developers to create a killer app or two for their platform (something that that no one can live without), and they need to start being your brain.

实际上,这并不是那么激进。 Facebook 旨在成为未来的Web操作系统 (甚至可能是未来的Web ,所有事物都通过Facebook流动)的目标已经不是什么秘密了。 为了成为Web的操作系统,Facebook需要做两件事:他们需要一些应用程序开发人员为其平台创建一个或两个杀手级应用程序(这是没有人不能没有的东西),并且他们需要开始成为你的大脑。

The former is clear, the latter needs some explanation. One of the great things about a personal computer, is that it’s a data dump. Photos, videos, notes, tax returns — a lot of what we do ends up stored on our hard drives so we don’t have to remember it. Facebook already acts like a data dump for some parts of our lives — photos, personal communications, our address book and calendar — the site acts like a brain that keeps track of this stuff for us. But it can do a much better job.

前者很清楚,后者需要一些解释。 个人计算机的一大优点是它是数据转储。 照片,视频,笔记,报税表-我们所做的很多事情最终都存储在硬盘中,因此我们不必记住它。 Facebook已经像我们生活中某些部分的数据转储(照片,个人通讯,我们的通讯录和日历)一样,该网站就像大脑一样为我们跟踪这些信息。 但这可以做得更好。

The reason Facebook wants to become the web’s operating system is that it wants us to become reliant on Facebook, the way we’re reliant on our personal computing devices (PC, laptop, smart phone, etc.). That’s not the case right now. To do so, Facebook needs to suck up more of our data. How does it do that? Microsoft has the answer: Live Mesh.

Facebook之所以要成为网络操作系统,是因为它希望我们依赖于Facebook,就像我们依赖我们的个人计算设备(PC,笔记本电脑,智能手机等)一样。 现在不是这种情况。 为此,Facebook需要吸收我们更多的数据。 它是如何做到的? 微软有答案: Live Mesh 。

Live Mesh is a data synchronization platform that can instantly sync data across multiple devices and the web. Unlike competing data sync services, Microsoft has engineered Mesh as a platform that anyone can leverage. When they showed it to me in April, one of the demo apps they had running was for Facebook — it automatically synced photos taken on a cell phone with a Facebook gallery. If Facebook can start automatically remembering everything we do, and if users can get by the Orwellian implications of that, it could truly become an integral part of our lives.

Live Mesh是一个数据同步平台,可以立即在多个设备和Web上同步数据。 与竞争数据同步服务不同,微软将Mesh设计为任何人都可以利用的平台。 当他们在四月份向我展示时,他们运行的演示应用程序之一是针对Facebook的-它会自动将手机拍摄的照片与Facebook画廊同步。 如果Facebook可以开始自动记住我们所做的一切,并且如果用户可以从中得到Orwellian的启发,那它就可以真正成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

The ability to keep track of all your data across all your devices is an important piece of the puzzle for any company trying to create the web operating system that we’ll all end up using. Because Facebook already has a strong relationship with Microsoft, integrating the Mesh platform into the Facebook operating system seems like a no-brainer.

跟踪所有设备上所有数据的能力对于任何试图创建最终都会使用的Web操作系统的公司来说,都是一大难题。 由于Facebook已经与Microsoft建立了牢固的关系,因此将Mesh平台集成到Facebook操作系统中似乎是理所当然的事情。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/what-facebook-should-do-next/


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