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Xcode 8 or 9 started displaying runtime issues. You see a purple icon at the top of the window, and a list in Issue Navigator, next to buildtime issues like compilation warnings and errors.

Xcode 8或9开始显示运行时问题。您会在窗口顶部看到一个紫色图标,并在“问题导航器”中看到一个列表,旁边是构建时间问题,如编译警告和错误。

enter image description here

enter image description here

The runtime issues I've seen are created by the system libraries. Is there a way for my own application code to generate these?


5 个解决方案



Yes! You'll see these if you do something that a sanitizer catches, like performing certain UI operations a background thread with Thread Sanitizer enabled. Having an ambiguous layout and pausing in the view debugger is also a way to get this to occur. Either way, seeing this occur in Apple's libraries isn't a good thing…

是!如果您执行清洁剂捕获的操作,您将看到这些内容,例如在启用了Thread Sanitizer的后台线程中执行某些UI操作。在视图调试器中具有模糊布局和暂停也是实现此目的的一种方法。无论哪种方式,看到苹果公司的图书馆出现这种情况并不是一件好事......



CocoaLumberjack framework can be used to capture Run times console logs as well as App's Background wakeup logs.






This way you can capture purple warnings displayed in Xcode9 like below in a file that is maintained inside App Container:-

通过这种方式,您可以在App Container中维护的文件中捕获Xcode9中显示的紫色警告,如下所示: -


================================================== ===============

Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIApplication registerUserNotificationSettings:] PID: 2897, TID: 1262426, Thread name: (none), Queue name: com.apple.root.default-qos, QoS: 21

主线程检查器:在后台线程上调用的UI API: - [UIApplication registerUserNotificationSettings:] PID:2897,TID:1262426,线程名称:(无),队列名称:com.apple.root.default-qos,QoS:21



It depends on you if you are doing any UI related stuff on other then main thread so system will generate for you else you can not manually generate it.


All UI manipulations should be done in the Main Thread.


If you are not doing this so, in XCode 9 have feature called Main thread checker.

如果你不这样做,在XCode 9中有一个叫做主线程检查器的功能。

For more info, you can visit below url: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/code_diagnostics/main_thread_checker


It is basically used to checks whether any UIKit related stuff is happening on a main thread or not ?, If failed to do so, it will produce issues at Runtime. So wrap your code in Main Thread block like below to avoid glitches and runtime warnings.


You can Enable - Disable using this steps Edit Scheme... -> (Select your scheme) -> Diagnostics -> Disable 'Main thread checker'

您可以启用 - 使用以下步骤禁用编辑方案... - >(选择您的方案) - >诊断 - >禁用'主线程检查'



In XCode 8.3 and earlier you can use set breakpoint into any method of UIKit class like setNeedsDisplay() like below.

在XCode 8.3及更早版本中,您可以将set breakpoint用于UIKit类的任何方法,如下面的setNeedsDisplay()。

Also there is library in objective-c steipete class in which #import is used.

在objective-c steipete类中还有一个库,其中使用了#import

enter image description here

But in Xcode 9 below library Xcode.app/Contenets/Developer/usr/lib/libMainThreadChecker.dylib is available, Which handle for any relevant issues potentially performed out-of-main thread at runtime.

但是在Xcode 9下面,库Xcode.app/Contenets/Developer/usr/lib/libMainThreadChecker.dylib可用,它处理在运行时可能在主外线程执行的任何相关问题。



See here
Once you have deployed your app, either through the App Store or as an Ad Hoc or Enterprise build, you won't be able to attach Xcode's debugger to it. To debug problems, you need to analyze Crash Logs and Console output from the device.

请参阅此处通过App Store或Ad Hoc或Enterprise版本部署应用程序后,您将无法将Xcode的调试器附加到其中。要调试问题,您需要分析设备的崩溃日志和控制台输出。

Apple Watch crash logs will be available on the paired device and can also be obtained using the methods described below.

Apple Watch崩溃日志将在配对设备上提供,也可以使用下述方法获取。

For more information on writing rich NSLog statements, see Improved logging in Objective-C.


Paste below example code into your project:


NSMutableArray *someObject = [NSMutableArray array];
NSLog(@"%s:%d someObject=%@", __func__, __LINE__, someObject);
[someObject addObject:@"foo"];
NSLog(@"%s:%d someObject=%@", __func__, __LINE__, someObject);

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