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本文为美国戴顿大学(作者:Megan Clancy Reeves)的硕士论文,共48页。


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have many uses arranging from domestic use to military surveillance. Path planning algorithms are one of the many tools available to control UAVs to help make flights more autonomic and decrease the involvement of a pilot. A* and D* are two different algorithms used to solve a wide range of problems from traffic patterns to circuit board layouts. Both algorithms have both advantages and disadvantages. A* is more of a simple search and D* is a more complex search. This thesis presents a new test environment for path planning in matrix laboratory (MATLAB) to compare algorithm complexity and path lengths. By comparing algorithm complexity and path lengths, the advantages and disadvantages are explored between the two algorithms. By doing this, one algorithm could be a better solution than another or combining the best traits of both into a hybrid algorithm.

  1. 引言

  2. 路径规划算法:应用于无人机
  3. 路径规划算法
  4. A*算法
  5. D*算法
  6. 算法比较
  7. 混合算法
  8. 结论


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