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In a Java program I'm invoking a user-defined Javascript program:


File userJSFile=...;
javax.script.ScriptEngineManager mgr=new  ScriptEngineManager();
javax.script.ScriptEngine scripEngine= mgr.getEngineByExtension("js");
Object result=scripEngine.eval(new java.io.FileReader(userJSFile));

Now I would like to use 'result': how can I have an access to it? Can I identify it as an array (Can I iterate threw its members), a String, an Integer, etc... ?



EDITED: I just know that my user gave me a script returning the last value. I don't know anything about this value. Is it a String, an array, etc.. ? I don't known but I want to use it.


3 个解决方案


Except perhaps for simple values, I would rather let the scripting engine coerce its values to Java types.


public class ScriptDemo {

  static class Result {
    private String[] words;

    public void setWords(String[] words) {
      this.words = words;

  static final String SCRIPT = "var foo = 'Hello World!';\n"
      + "result.setWords(foo.split(' '));";

  public static void main(String[] args)
      throws ScriptException {
    Result result = new Result();
    javax.script.ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
    javax.script.ScriptEngine scripEngine = mgr
    scripEngine.getContext().setAttribute("result", result,


Even if you can't edit the script, you could take the return value and pass it through your own generated script to do the coercion. This assumes you know something about the value being returned.


EDIT: since nothing is known about the return value, I would first test it using Java (getClass()) to see if it was one of the java.lang types. If the returned object is from some API private to the library, I would introspect it using the scripting language (in this case Javascript), possibly coercing it to a Java type or pushing its properties into some Java data structure during the process.


My Javascript is rusty, but John Leach's tutorial looks quite good: Javascript Introspection.

我的Javascript很生疏,但John Leach的教程看起来很不错:Javascript内省。

(You may be able to use Java reflection, but since the engine implementation could vary between Java versions/JREs/Javascript engines, I wouldn't rely on it.)

(您可能可以使用Java反射,但由于Java版本/ JRE / Javascript引擎之间的引擎实现可能不同,我不会依赖它。)


This question was asked ages ago, but the answers still seemed correct. In case it's of interest to anyone else trying to pass complex objects between Java and Javascript, I wanted to present my solution.


I wrote a script that converts the NativeObject to (in-memory) JSON objects (actually I use MongoDB's BSON-based objects, but you should just be able to substitute 1-1 for JSONArray and JSONObject in the sample code below).


So for example, say I have a (user) script "create_object_script", which "returns" some object or array of interest, then I can convert it into JSON (ie a list of hashmaps) as follows:


Object returnVal = engine.eval(create_object_script);
engine.put("output", returnVal);
BasicDBObject objFactory = new BasicDBObject(); // (or JSON equivalent)
BasicDBList listFactory = new BasicDBList(); // (or JSON equivalent)
BasicDBList outList = new BasicDBList(); // (or JSON equivalent)
engine.put("objFactory", objFactory);
engine.put("listFactory", listFactory);
engine.put("outList", outList);
engine.eval(parsing_script); // (described below)
// "outList" is now populated with (in-memory) JSON representations of "returnVal"

Obviously if you have control over the "create_object_script" script you can do this in a single step; my scripts are user-generated so hiding away this complexity is necessary - the users just write scripts where the "return value" is the final line.

显然,如果您可以控制“create_object_script”脚本,则只需一步即可完成;我的脚本是用户生成的,因此隐藏这种复杂性是必要的 - 用户只需编写脚本,其中“返回值”是最后一行。

I gisted the "parsing_script" here to keep the length of this post down.


Functionally this works very nicely; I haven't developed in JS much so it's possible there are more efficient ways of doing this. (Note I always need my results in a list, if you don't then you could pass in a BasicDBObject "outObj" and write to that instead in the singleton case).

功能上这非常好用;我没有在JS中开发过多,所以有可能有更有效的方法来实现这一点。 (注意我总是需要我在列表中的结果,如果你不这样做,那么你可以传入一个BasicDBObject“outObj”并在单例情况下写入它)。

Hope this helps someone who finds themselves in my situation at 1am last night!



This link may be helpful. It seems that the best you can do is to rely on an implementation specific class.


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