```sql CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_db_dictionary AS SELECT o.name AS table_name, p.[value] AS table_desc, c.name AS field, cp.[value] AS field_desc, t.name AS field_type, c.length AS field_size, ISNULL(COLUMNPROPERTY(c.id, c.name, 'Scale'), 0) AS field_precision, c.isnullable AS nullable, ISNULL(COLUMNPROPERTY(c.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity'), 0) AS is_identity, CASE WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects pk JOIN sysindexes i ON pk.name = i.name JOIN sysindexkeys ik ON i.indid = ik.indid WHERE ik.id = c.id AND ik.colid = c.colid AND pk.xtype = 'PK' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_key, ISNULL(cm.text, '') AS default_value FROM syscolumns c JOIN sysobjects o ON c.id = o.id JOIN systypes t ON c.xtype = t.xtype LEFT JOIN sysproperties p ON o.id = p.id AND p.smallid = 0 LEFT JOIN sysproperties cp ON c.id = cp.id AND c.colid = cp.smallid LEFT JOIN syscomments cm ON c.cdefault = cm.id WHERE o.xtype = 'U' ORDER BY o.name, c.colid; ```
Explore a common issue encountered when implementing an OAuth 1.0a API, specifically the inability to encode null objects and how to resolve it. ...
Explore how Matterverse is redefining the metaverse experience, creating immersive and meaningful virtual environments that foster genuine connections and economic opportunities. ...