作者:huai | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-18 21:53
Currently working on an assignment in which we are working with named pipes in C. I need to be able to read and write to a pipe. Here's where I am confused. I know there are kind of two different types of pipes (or different ways to make them). I know that there is a pipe function that you can read and write to an anonymous pipe. In our assignment writeup, I learned that you use mkfifo to create a named pipe in the directory. However, it also stated that you can then use that pipe like a normal file but when I try to use it as such, it just hangs. Here's my code:
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("pipe", "r");
char c = 'o';
fputc(c, fp);
So are pipes not actually usable in this way? Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
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