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This question already has an answer here:


  • Why does Java have transient fields? 13 answers
  • 为什么Java有瞬变字段?13个答案

I have an issue related to the transient keyword's use before the private modifier in java .


variable declaration:


transient private ResourceBundle pageResourceBundle; 

When I Googled it, I found these docs below, but they're talking about serialized. Actually my class does not implement any serialized.


For More info:




My class looks like this :


public class LoginViewModel extends AbstractViewModel {

    transient private ResourceBundle pageResourceBundle;

    public void afterCompose(@ContextParam(ContextType.VIEW) Component view) {
        boolean timeout = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(getHttpServletRequest().getParameter("timeout"));
        if (timeout) {
            Messagebox.show(pageResourceBundle.getText("MSG_SESSION_HAS_EXPIRED_PLEASE_LOGIN"), pageResourceBundle.getText("LABEL_ALERT"),
                    Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.ERROR);

I have some questions.


1.why use the transient keyword before a private variable?


2.what is the purpose of using this keyword?


5 个解决方案



transient variables are never serialized in java.


It marks a member variable not to be serialized when it is persisted to streams of bytes. When an object is transferred through the network, the object needs to be 'serialized'. Serialization converts the object state to serial bytes. Those bytes are sent over the network and the object is recreated from those bytes. Member variables marked by the java transient keyword are not transferred, they are lost intentionally.


please have a look at what serialization is.? and also refer this




public class Foo implements Serializable
  private String saveMe;
  private transient String dontSaveMe;
  private transient String password;

In above example dontSaveMe & password are never get serialize as they are declare as a transient variables.




And a short use - case:
Imagine exposing a User - Object via a public available webservice. You sure would like to expose things as nickname, online - state, maybe email or location. You definitly would not want to expose the password the user uses to login. Whilst this password could be a property of your User- object, it should not be serialized e.g. when serializing the object to a JSON - String for the webservice mentioned.

一个简短的用例:想象通过公共的web服务公开一个用户对象。你肯定会想公开一些东西,比如昵称、在线状态、电子邮件或位置。您肯定不想公开用户登录时使用的密码。虽然这个密码可能是您的用户对象的属性,但是它不应该被序列化,例如,当您为上面提到的webservice将对象序列化为JSON - String时。



transient keyword suggests that the object should not be serialized, nor persisted. You can use it if you don't want to serialize heavy objects (such as Wrappers, for example, which can contain a lot of business logic).


@Transient annotation suggests that the object should not be persisted (if you've been playing with Hibernate, for example), but it can be serialized.


I've included the annotation explanation, because I remember being confused by the two. :-)




  • Transient keyword can only be applied to member variables.
    Applying it to method or local variable is compilation error.


  • The keyword transient in Java used to indicate that the variable
    should not be serialized. By default all the variables in the object are converted to persistent state. In some cases, you may want to
    avoid persisting some variables because you don’t have the necessity to transfer across the network. So, you can declare those variables
    as transient.




transient is used to specify which properties of an object will not be saved or serialised. For example, when saving an object to a file, transient specifies which properties or attributes will not be saved to that file when that object is saved to a file.


When the object is re-created from the file, the value of that transient attribute (or private property) will not be re-created as it was never saved, or serialised to that file. In some cases, you may want to avoid persisting some of these private instance variables or attributes of an object, transient allows you to do that.


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