作者:dtssv90623 | 来源:互联网 | 2014-08-04 01:17
程序员必上的开发者服务平台 —— DevStore
GroupOffice 6.0.9 发布,更新内容如下:
- Holidays: National holiday hours displayed in holiday manager's main grid.
- Holidays: Warn holiday manager if a month's credit becomes negative.
- Holidays: Improved way of displaying available credits.
- Projects 2: Import Projects CSV window is now able to create an example CSV file.
- Projects 2: able to turn off Project Income using Project Template settings.
- Projects 2: able to filter Invoice:Income Grid on Project Type & "Already Invoiced".
- Files: Fixed namespace problem in Jupload controller (uploading folders)
- Added {link} property to email templates. This will display the text of the linkfield in the email content.
- Calendar: Added direct_url property for calendar views
- Core: Distinction between holidays that are free days and holidays that are not.
- E-mail: link to easily move emails to and from spam folder.
GroupOffice 是一款强大的企业办公软件,主要功能包括:日程、客户关系管理、电子邮件、文件共享、项目管理以及数据同步等。