I have downloaded and installed EAP 7.2.0 and I applied the patch 7.2.4. Now I want to install Fuse 7.2 for EAP on it. The Getting started document says:
Navigate to the directory where you want to install (EAP_HOME) and run the installer, including the downloaded file location and name in the command. For example:
java -jar TEMP_LOCATION/fuse-eap-installer-7.2.fuse-000085-redhat-1.jar
The file I have downloaded has a different name, so I do:
java -jar ../Téléchargements/fuse-eap-installer-7.2.0.fuse-720018-redhat-00002.jar
And I get the following exception:
Copy to repository: fuse-patch-distro-wildfly-3.1.0.fuse-720026-redhat-00001.zip Copy to repository: fuse-eap-distro-7.2.0.fuse-720018-redhat-00002.zip Run command: java -Djboss.home=. -Dlogging.cOnfiguration=file:bin/fusepatch-logging.properties -jar jboss-modules.jar -mp modules org.wildfly.extras.patch --add file:fusepatch/repository/fuse-patch-distro-wildfly-3.1.0.fuse-720026-redhat-00001.zip org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException: java.se at org.jboss.modules.Module.addPaths(Module.java:1266) at org.jboss.modules.Module.link(Module.java:1622) at org.jboss.modules.Module.relinkIfNecessary(Module.java:1650) at org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoader.loadModule(ModuleLoader.java:296) at org.jboss.modules.Main.main(Main.java:437) Error: Command did not terminate normally
I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I'm using Java 13. On Windows 10, with Java 13 as well, seems to work. At least I was able to install but I'm not sure whether I followed exactly the same steps. Could anyone please help me with this as otherwise I need to work on Windows and I hate that ?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
EAP上的Red Hat Fuse 7.2仅在EAP 7.1和Java 1.8上受支持。您可以在此处找到每个发行版的受支持配置: