I have two tables DefaultAttributes and CustomAttributes.
DefaultAttributeTable: 1. Id 2. Product 4. Description CustomAtrributeTable: 1. Id 2. DefaultAttributeMappingId(FK from DefaultAttributeTable) 3. CustomAtrributeName 4. CustomeAttributeValue
Entries made by user:
user update the values Product -> Vegetables, Description -> House Hold Item, IsOrganic(Custom Attribute created) -> True and IsDisposable(Custom Attribute created) -> True
user update the values Product -> Fruits, Description -> House Hold Item, IsOrganic(Custom Attribute created) -> True and IsDisposable(Custom Attribute created) -> True
user update the values Product -> Plastic, Description -> House Hold Item, IsOrganic(Custom Attribute created) -> False and and IsDisposable(Custom Attribute created) -> False
Then the values will be updated in the table will
I want to combine the two tables and select the Id, product, IsOrganic, IsDisposable and filter the values based on the isorganic column. Also the custom attribute column name should be taken form the CustomAtrributeTable. Please suggest to me how to achieve it in SQL and Linq Query. The filtered value should be