作者:我就是我 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-28 18:40
1- Tetris with jQuery
2- Game Query- Game engine for jQuery
3- JQuery Snake Game Plugin
4- JQuery Tic Tac Toe
5- jQuery Powered Mine Sweeper
6- Browser Shooter
7- Angel Dreams
8- Sudoku
9- Basic Memory Game with jQuery
10- Mario Game
11- jQuery Pong
12- Roller – jQuery game
13- jTypingHero
14- jQuery Memotest
15- Brain Vita
16- jCharacterfall
17- jKill
18- Slot Machine jQuery Game
19- Fun Game of Pairs
20- Tunnel
21- Mad Libs Word Game
(编译来源:梦想天空 原文来自:20+ jQuery Games)