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My boss and several of my coworkers have been confused
about how to export what they see in the PMA window. After
executing a query, their first instinct is to click the
"Export" tab at the top of the window, since it's so
visible. They usually don't immediately understand why the
result set is different -- that the "Export" tab does an
implicit "SELECT * FROM

" before showing the export

I show them the two options available at the bottom of the
window: either select the desired rows and click the
"Export" button, or click the "Export" link at the bottom
to export all rows in the result set. Even so, this seems
to have difficulty sticking in their minds because of the
identical wording on the three controls.

The "Export" button is sufficiently differentiated by
being a button and sufficiently clear by the text "With
selected:" before it. The "Export" link at the bottom,
however, gives the user no hint as to how its function

--> I suggest that the text of the link at the bottom be
changed to something like "Export entire result set" or
"Export this query" to make its purpose clear. <--

It might also be worthwhile to consider whether moving
that entire row of functions ("Print view," "Print view
(with full texts)," "Export"*) above the result list,
rather than below it, would be beneficial and easy
- I omit "Insert new row" because it doesn't seem to be
different from the "Insert" tab already at the top.

I tested the phpMyAdmin-20060213-053501 CVS snapshot with
PHP 5.1.2, MySQL 5.0.18 and Lighttpd 1.4.10 on Mac OS X
10.4.4 PPC.

  • Original URL: "https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/2014/":https://sourceforge.net/p/phpmyadmin/bugs/2014/

  • Original author: ryandesign

  • Found in version: Latest_Git_snapshot


  • Status: closed-fixed --> fixed

  • Original author: nijel

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