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I have a table in mnesia and I need to update individual fields in the records in it. According to Erlang : Mnesia : Updating a single field value in a row if I do something like:


update_a(Tab, Key, Value) ->
  fun() ->
    [P] = mnesia:wread({Tab, Key}),
    mnesia:write(Tab, P#rec{a=Value}, write)

Now as I understand, the above code reads a record P based on a Key, acquiring a write lock on the record, so that no other transactions modify this record while it is being read and written back (or in short, updated). So far so good.


Now my requirement is that I need to able to read records based on both the Key and one other field in the table and then perform an update on it. A function that will do this looking up is mnesia:match_object. The problem now is that, the function only supports a read lock, not a write lock, according to http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/mnesia.html#match_object-3.


The consequence of this is that, suppose in the above function I were to use mnesia:match_object, I will get a (group of) record(s), all with read locks. After I read the records, I need to perform some checks on the retrieved data and then write back the updated record only if a condition is satisfied. Now, assume there are two parallel transactions T1 and T2 initiated by two different sources running. Both T1 and T2 access the same record, at the same time. Since they are read locked, both T1 and T2 will be able to read the records parallely. Both T1 and T2 will perform the same check on the same record, and if the condition matches, both will proceed to execute the update. But, in my code, if T1 and T2 were to have executed serially, T1 would have made changes to the record and in T2, it would have read these changed records and the condition would have failed and no update would have been made.

这样做的结果是,假设在上面的函数中我使用的是mnesia:match_object,我将获得一组(一组)记录,所有记录都带有读锁。在我读取记录之后,我需要对检索到的数据执行一些检查,然后仅在条件满足时写回更新的记录。现在,假设有两个并行事务T1和T2由两个不同的源运行启动。 T1和T2都同时访问相同的记录。由于它们被读锁定,因此T1和T2都能够并行读取记录。 T1和T2都将对同一记录执行相同的检查,如果条件匹配,则两者都将继续执行更新。但是,在我的代码中,如果T1和T2已经连续执行,T1将对记录进行更改,而在T2中,它将读取这些已更改的记录,并且条件将失败并且不会进行更新。

In short, I need to write lock records that are returned by mnesia:match_object. The documentation clearly states only read lock is supported. Are there are any alternatives?


UPDATE: I've been experimenting a little bit, and a possible solution I thought could be to use compound keys. Suppose I have data written to a table like:


mnesia:transaction(fun() -> mnesia:write(mytable, #rec{i={1,2}, a=2, b=3}, write) end).

Is there any way to lookup entries, using don't cares?


I tried these, but both returned empty results:


mnesia:transaction(fun()-> mnesia:read(mytable, {1,'_'}, read) end).
mnesia:transaction(fun()-> mnesia:read(mytable, {1,_}, read) end).

4 个解决方案



You don't have to worry about it. From the mnesia documentation:


Read locks may be shared, which means that if one transaction manages to acquire a read lock on an item, other transactions may also acquire a read lock on the same item. However, if someone has a read lock no one can acquire a write lock at the same item. If some one has a write lock no one can acquire a read lock nor a write lock at the same item.


If a transaction has a read lock on an object, that object can't be edited by another transaction.


Say you have two transactions, T1 and T2, which are executing in parallel:


  1. T1 does mnesia:match_object, and acquires a read lock on all the returned objects.
  2. T1执行mnesia:match_object,并获取所有返回对象的读锁定。
  3. T2 does an equivalent mnesia:match_object, and acquires a read lock on the same objects.
  4. T2执行等效的mnesia:match_object,并获取相同对象的读锁定。
  5. T2 attempts to acquire a write lock on of the objects (to edit it).
  6. T2尝试获取对象的写锁定(以编辑它)。
  7. Mnesia automatically aborts T2, to be retried later.
  8. Mnesia自动中止T2,稍后重试。
  9. T1 acquires a write lock on the objects, and edits them.
  10. T1获取对象的写锁定,并对其进行编辑。
  11. T1 finishes.
  12. T1完成。
  13. Mnesia retries T2.
  14. Mnesia重试T2。

Note that T2 may be retried several times, depending on how long T1 takes to complete (ie. release its locks).


According to my tests, the locking behavior of mnesia:match_object isn't consistent. For example, mnesia:match_object(mytable, {mytable, 2, '_'}, LockType) will lock only the record with Key 2, but mnesia:match_object(mytable, {mytable, '_', test}, LockType) locks the entire table.


Also note that the documentation isn't correct, mnesia:match_object(Table, Pattern, write) does work, and seems to follow the same pattern as 'read', ie. if you specify the key, only the matching record will be write-locked; if you don't specify the key, the entire table will be write-locked.


You can test it yourself by doing something like this:


test() ->
        Table = mytable,
        Matches = mnesia:match_object(Table, {Table, 2, '_'}, write),
        io:format("matched: ~p~n", [Matches]),
                        io:format("trying to read~n",[]),
                        io:format("read: ~p~n", [mnesia:read(Table, 2, read)])
                        end) end),        
        RereadMatches = lists:map(fun(#mytable{id=Id}) -> mnesia:read(Table, Id, write) end, Matches),
        io:format("reread matches: ~p~n", [RereadMatches])

By changing the pattern and lock type passed to match_object, and the key number and lock type passed to mnesia:read in the spawned process (or by using mnesia:write), you can test the various locking behaviors.


Addendum: See this post by Ulf Wiger on the same topic.

附录:见Ulf Wiger关于同一主题的这篇文章。

Addendum 2: See the section on "Isolation" in the Mnesia user guide.


Edit: The above was all done on a set-type table, match_object locking behavior might be different on a bag-type table.

编辑:以上内容都是在set-type表上完成的,match -object锁定行为可能在bag-type表上有所不同。



Even though it returns them under a read lock, you can still update them with write afterwards. The whole read/wread thing was just an optimization.

即使它在读锁定下返回它们,您仍然可以通过写入更新它们。整个read / wread只是一个优化。

You can use an ordered_set table to implement this mnesia-trick on compound keys.




Like this,


        case mnesia:match_object(#rec{name=Name, _='_'}) of
            [] -> not_found;
            [First|Rest] -> something



Can't you just lock the table in your transaction beforehand with mnesia:write_lock_table(Tab) ?


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