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Currently im facing issue that troubles me a lot. I hope that somebody could help me out. I work for big company where are both Office 2007 (32bit) and Office 2010 (64 bit) used. Writing macros to be compatibile through whole company was hard task for me (I've never programmed in VBA before - actually this forum helped me a lot). My task is to maintain one big table in shared Excel sheet. There are several macros and several userforms. Now i will decsribe the problem briefly: Sheet contains two columns with date format (start date and close date). Both values are imported to column form userform's textboxes (commandbutton lunches MsCal -exported to class- which fills those textboxes with date). What I simply need is to have date format as mm/dd/yyyy in both columns in order to perform filtering and other operations. When this values are updated by worker that uses different localization than English U.S. date is entered as dd.mm.yyyy. Thats make proper filtering based on date impossible. I tried to alter formating by:

目前我面临的问题让我很烦恼。我希望有人可以帮助我。我在大公司工作,使用Office 2007(32位)和Office 2010(64位)。编写宏以通过整个公司进行兼容对我来说是一项艰巨的任务(我以前从未在VBA中编程 - 实际上这个论坛对我帮助很大)。我的任务是在共享的Excel工作表中维护一个大表。有几个宏和几个用户表单。现在我将简要地解决问题:工作表包含两列日期格式(开始日期和结束日期)。这两个值都导入到列形式userform的文本框中(commandbutton lunches MsCal -exported到class-用日期填充那些文本框)。我只需要在两列中都将日期格式设置为mm / dd / yyyy,以便执行过滤和其他操作。当使用与英语不同的本地化的工人更新此值时,美国日期输入为dd.mm.yyyy。这是根据不可能的日期进行适当的过滤。我试图通过以下方式改变格式:

UserForm1.TextBox10.Value = Format(Calendar1.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")

but this piece of code misbehave somehow. On some machines it works, on some of them it is not working. And thats what is giving me headache. How should i proceed now? Is there a way to force excel to use same date format in sheet and ignore localization settings in Windows? Employees dont want to change localization to English U.S. because they are either used to their format, or need it for other applications. Is there a way to temporarily change localization only when this sheet opens? Any advice will be apreciated. Thanks in Advance Peter


2 个解决方案



The best you can do is NEVER transform a date variable into Text.


Internally for excel a date is just a consecutive number (Left from the decimal separator are days and right from the decimal separator are hours). So, for example, the 10th of June 2012, for excel is 41188. This date value is independent of the date format set on your computer.


Now when it comes to represent dates (for humans to visualize) Excel will format this internal value into a String with the format set in your computer. So, for example if you have US date format in your computer, the date 41188 will be formated as 6/10/2012.


The big challenge with dates is to input the date in the correct format. When you input a Date as a string ("6/10/2012") then Excel will interpret it depending on the date format set on your computer. If you have US format, then it will thake the first cypher as month, the second as day and the last as the year. If you have a German format, it will read the first as day, the next as month and the last as year. So, the same input ("6/10/2012") for a US Format Excel will read 10th of june as for a German format Excel will read 6th of Oktober.


In your case, you should NOT format the date inside the Textbox10. For a US format Excel there is no problem, but if you have another date format, where the first cypher is the day instead of the month, you will get the wrong values: Check this example. User inputs 10th of June in a German format Excel (dd.mm.yyyy)


  1. Calendar1.Value retrieves a date value (41188)
  2. Calendar1.Value检索日期值(41188)
  3. Format(Calendar1.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy") transforms the date value into a string "06/10/2012"
  4. 格式(Calendar1.Value,“mm / dd / yyyy”)将日期值转换为字符串“06/10/2012”
  5. When using the formated date (STRING), Excel will have to interpret what date it is. Because the computer date format is German, it will read Day:06, Month:10, Year:2012. You will be using day 41070 instead of 41188
  6. 使用格式化日期(STRING)时,Excel必须解释它的日期。由于计算机日期格式为德语,因此将显示日期:06,月份:10,年份:2012。您将使用41070而不是41188

If Calendar1.Value retrieves a Date variable and you give this date variable into a Date formated column, you will allways get the correct dale in your column and you will be able to filter and sort dates correctly regardless of the date format set inside the Column cells or the format set in the users computer.


Now, in your case, the best would be to assign directly the Calendar1.Value to the required cell. Something like:


ThisworkBook.WorkSheets("Sheet1").Range("C3").Value= Calendar1.Value

You can still asign Calendar1.Value into the TextBox10 for the user to see his selection, but disable the TextBox10 so that the only edit option is the calendar control. And when working with the date, istead of thaking it from the TextBox10, taking it directly from the Calendar1.Value .


If you still need to show the selected value from Calendar1 into a textBox then do NOT format the date in the Textbox. Instead, use:


UserForm1.TextBox10.Value = Cstr(Calendar1.Value) 

This way, the user will see the date in the dateformat that he has set in his computer and to which he is used to.




One solution is to not use the date number format but rather only use the custom format for all your cell dates where you specify "mm/dd/yyyy" as the formatting string. However, in my experience, if your computer's regional settings are set to use "mm/dd/yyyy" then if you try make a custom cell formatting with this same string excel will keep as a dater linked to the computer setting so that doesn't help you. The way I worked around this was to change the date format on my computer, then format the cells as custom "mm/dd/yyyy" and save (and then turn your computer's settings back to how they were.) Now even though excel still claims they are date cells, you'll see that changing the settings on your computer doesn't change the value in the cell.

一种解决方案是不使用日期编号格式,而是仅对您指定“mm / dd / yyyy”作为格式字符串的所有单元格日期使用自定义格式。但是,根据我的经验,如果您的计算机的区域设置设置为使用“mm / dd / yyyy”,那么如果您尝试使用相同的字符串进行自定义单元格格式化,则excel将作为与计算机设置链接的dater保持不变帮你。我解决这个问题的方法是更改​​计算机上的日期格式,然后将单元格格式化为自定义“mm / dd / yyyy”并保存(然后将计算机的设置恢复为原样。)现在即使excel仍然声称它们是日期单元格,您将看到更改计算机上的设置不会更改单元格中的值。

I guess another way is to always have a cell next to your date cell that calls the TEXT function. So if you have a date in A1 then in another cell =TEXT(A1, "mm/dd/yyyy") and only refer to this new cell. But that could make your spread sheet very messy.

我想另一种方法是在日期单元格旁边总是有一个调用TEXT函数的单元格。因此,如果您在A1中有一个日期,那么在另一个单元格中= TEXT(A1,“mm / dd / yyyy”)并且只引用这个新单元格。但这可能会使您的电子表格变得非常混乱。

I guess the best solution is to just get you IT dept to set every one in the company's date settings to use the same formats.


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