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I would like to extend a class generated by Linq To Sql to initialize when a new object (=row) is created.

我想扩展由Linq To Sql生成的类,以便在创建新对象(=行)时进行初始化。

I want to add rows to a child table when a parent row is created.


I was hoping to use the Oncreated (partial) method do something like this:


partial class Product {
    partial void OnCreated() {
        // Fill default rows for FK relations
        this.Columns.Add(new ProductColumn {
            Name = "Name", ColumnType = 1
        this.Columns.Add(new ProductColumn {
            Name = "Producer", ColumnType = 2

The OnCreated is called every time from the constructor. So also if the object will be loaded from the database after the call to OnCreated. And if the object is loaded from the database, do not want to execute the code.


So where can I add logic to my model to initialize an object(-graph)?


4 个解决方案


I think you'd be better off in this instance to use a Factory to create your instances; So anywhere you current have code like:


Product p = new Product();

You would instead have:


Product p = ProductFactory.CreateProduct();

And your CreateProduct() method would look something like:


public Product CreateProduct()
    var p = new Product();
    p.Columns.Add(new ProductColumn {
        Name = "Name", ColumnType = 1
    p.Columns.Add(new ProductColumn {
        Name = "Producer", ColumnType = 2
    return p;


There's no built in method for it in the Linq to SQL generated classes. They call OnLoaded specifically when called from the DB, but they do not call anything when it's not. I suspect because there's no way to know for sure...

在Linq to SQL生成的类中没有内置的方法。它们在从DB调用时专门调用OnLoaded,但是当它不是时,它们不会调用任何东西。我怀疑是因为没有办法确切知道......

I'd recommend using the factory approach that Chris suggested.



With LINQ-to-SQL, the entities are largely unaware of the parent data-context - only lazy-loaded members like EntitySet know about this detail. You can identify data-context aware entity-sets by looking at .IsDeferred (assuming it is deferred) - this will be true if a data-context is involved, and false otherwise - but there are further problems:

使用LINQ-to-SQL,实体基本上不知道父数据上下文 - 只有像EntitySet 这样的延迟加载成员才知道这个细节。您可以通过查看.IsDeferred(假设它是延迟的)来识别数据上下文感知实体集 - 如果涉及数据上下文,则为true,否则为false - 但还有其他问题:

  • LINQ-to-SQL attaches the data-context (for deferred execution) after the constructur (and OnCreated) has executed
  • 在构造函数(和OnCreated)执行后,LINQ-to-SQL附加数据上下文(用于延迟执行)

  • If you add items manually in OnCreated/.ctor(), it breaks when LINQ-to-SQL attempts to attach the data-context
  • 如果在OnCreated / .ctor()中手动添加项目,它会在LINQ-to-SQL尝试附加数据上下文时中断

  • LINQ-to-SQL uses the default constructor, meaning that generics/new() etc will also share this code
  • LINQ-to-SQL使用默认构造函数,这意味着泛型/ new()等也将共享此代码

So unfortunately; no, I don't think you can do this in OnCreated in any sensible way. You could:


  • have a second constructor for this use, that adds the extra items
  • 有这个用途的第二个构造函数,它添加了额外的项目

  • use a factory method, i.e. a static .Create() method that builds items correctly
  • 使用工厂方法,即正确构建项目的静态.Create()方法

(since LINQ-to-SQL won't use either of the above itself)



If you are using the designer -- and I presume you are because you are using partial classes -- you can add the association in the designer and the appropriate columns will get added to your object automatically. MSDN has a reference on how to create associations using the designer work surface.

如果您正在使用设计器 - 我认为您是因为使用了部分类 - 您可以在设计器中添加关联,并且相应的列将自动添加到您的对象中。 MSDN提供了有关如何使用设计器工作表创建关联的参考。

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