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Anyone is getting this message while trying to show UIActionSheet from popover?


Your application has presented a UIAlertController () of style UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet. The modalPresentationStyle of a UIAlertController with this style is UIModalPresentationPopover. You must provide location information for this popover through the alert controller's popoverPresentationController. You must provide either a sourceView and sourceRect or a barButtonItem. If this information is not known when you present the alert controller, you may provide it in the UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate method -prepareForPopoverPresentation.


Previously to the GM I used some workaround for converting the UIActionSheet to UIAlertController and this is working fine. However it seems that Apple tried to solve the UIActionSheet issues and I didn't want to use my workaround - but it seems that I have no choice...


5 个解决方案



To support iPad, include this code:


alertView.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.view
alertView.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = self.view.bounds
// this is the center of the screen currently but it can be any point in the view

self.presentViewController(alertView, animated: true, completion: nil)



If you are presenting the action sheet after the user makes a selection on a cell within a UITableView. I found that this works decently well:


UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Directions" 
                                                               message:@"Select mode of transportation:"
alert.popoverPresentationController.sourceView = cell;
alert.popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = cell.bounds;
UIAlertAction *defaultAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Cancel" style:UIAlertActionStyleCancel handler:nil];
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil];



You need to provide popoverPresentationController for iPad support. In this, you either specify barButtonItem or sourceView. This another thread may help you: Swift UIAlertController - ActionSheet iPad iOS8 Crashes

您需要为iPad提供popoverPresentationController支持。在这里,您可以指定barButtonItem或sourceView。另一个线程可以帮助您:Swift UIAlertController - ActionSheet ipadios8崩溃



Actually it is something buggy (I believe) in Xcode for iPhone and iPad designs for now.


  1. In iPhone same code works perfect and you can see the alert message at same position (always). But for iPad you need to define the alert box's position with alert.popoverPresentationController.sourceView = self.view; alert.popoverPresentationController.sourceRect = CGRectMake(self.view.bounds.size.width / 2.0 - 105, self.view.bounds.size.height / 2.0 + 70, 1.0, 1.0); 105 and 70 are the approximate dimension differences for iPad portrait design due to different anchor point.
  2. 在iPhone中,同样的代码工作得非常完美,您可以在相同的位置(始终)看到警报消息。但是对于iPad,你需要用alert. popoverpresentationcontroller定义警报框的位置。sourceView = self。view;alert.popoverPresentationController。sourceRect = CGRectMake(self.view.bounds.size。宽度/ 2.0 - 105,self.view. bounds.com .size。身高/ 2.0 + 70,1.0,1.0);105和70是基于不同锚点的iPad肖像设计的近似尺寸差异。
  3. In iPhone design UIAlertController comes with 'Modal View' but unfortunately if you use same code for iPad it will not be a 'Modal View'. Which means that you need to write extra code for disabling touches in iPad design. I think it is weird.
  4. 在iPhone设计中,UIAlertController带有模态视图,但不幸的是,如果你在iPad上使用相同的代码,它就不是模态视图。这意味着你需要为iPad设计中禁用触摸编写额外的代码。我觉得这很奇怪。
  5. In iPad design you need to consider that anchor point is different. It is the bubble triangle point, not the upper left of AlertView.
  6. 在iPad设计中,你需要考虑锚点是不同的。它是气泡三角点,而不是AlertView的左上角。

These are the weird things I see. I think that there must be a standard and if someone wants to go out standards, fine, there can be other options.




UIAlertController being iOS8 only, and needing to support iOS7, I am using it. I ran into this on a Master view in a Master/Detail layout on iPad. I was able to work around it (not exactly fix it) by raising the UIActionSheet from the parent UISplitViewController using [actionSheet showInView:]. Good luck.

UIAlertController仅为iOS8,需要支持iOS7,我正在使用它。我在iPad的Master/Detail布局中遇到过这个。我可以通过使用[actionSheet showInView:]从父UISplitViewController中提升UIActionSheet来解决它(不是完全修复它)。祝你好运。

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