作者:魔帝君 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-09-02 15:14
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http://blog.csdn.net/topmvp – topmvp This book is for anyone who owns or makes websites: from the freelance web professional to the corporate in-house design and development department, as well as all companies and government policy makers
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http://blog.csdn.net/topmvp – topmvp
This book is for anyone who owns or makes websites: from the freelance web professional to the corporate in-house design and development department, as well as all companies and government policy makers involved in the development and maintenance of web sites for their institutions, and organizations that provide web-based services to the public. Provides practical techniques for developing completely accessible web sites with a quick reference guide to accessible web site design.
This book is for all Web professionals looking for an intuitive route to adding dynamic content from databases to their sites, assuming only HTML. No theory; no philosophy C just techniques and solutions. For web professionals creating