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Been scratching my head for some hours. Googled as well. But can't figure out how to generate the xml properly. Would highly appreciate input that could help me figure this out. I've used xsd.exe earlier together with less complex schemes without any problems.


So I get the error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


I have created C# Classes from this xsd-file: http://www8.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrainingCenterDatabasev2.xsd


I created the classes with the Microsoft xsd.exe tool like this: xsd.exe xsd-file /classes

我使用Microsoft xsd.exe工具创建了类,如下所示:xsd.exe xsd-file / classes

Then I removed double brackets like [][] and replaced with single [], otherwise I cant serialize/deserialize at all.

然后我删除了像[] []的双括号,并替换为单个[],否则我根本无法序列化/反序列化。

I actually don't know the correct way to create a xml-file with the class generated from the xsd-document. Here is an example of such a xml-file: https://github.com/mlt/schwinn810/wiki/Sample-.TCX-Files


This is my object that I'm trying to serialize (just an example):


XmlObjects.Tcx20.TrainingCenterDatabase_t tcx = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.TrainingCenterDatabase_t();
XmlObjects.Tcx20.AbstractSource_t abstractSource = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.Application_t();

abstractSource.Name = "TcxCreator";

tcx.Author = abstractSource;
abstractSource = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.Application_t();

XmlObjects.Tcx20.ActivityList_t activityList = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.ActivityList_t();

XmlObjects.Tcx20.Activity_t[] activity = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.Activity_t[1];
XmlObjects.Tcx20.ActivityLap_t[] lap = new ActivityLap_t[1];
XmlObjects.Tcx20.Course_t[] course = new Course_t[1];
XmlObjects.Tcx20.Trackpoint_t[] trackPoint = new Trackpoint_t[1];
XmlObjects.Tcx20.Position_t position = new Position_t();

double lat = 10;
double lon = 11;

position.LatitudeDegrees = lat;
position.LOngitudeDegrees= lon;

trackPoint[0].Time = DateTime.Now;
trackPoint[0].Position = position;
lap[0].Track = trackPoint;
activity[0].Lap = lap;

activityList.Activity = activity;

tcx.Activities = activityList;

Line trackPoint[0].Time = DateTime.Now; gives the mentioned error. But i think its more related to that im creating the classes/xml wrong compared to how the xsd/xml looks like.

Line trackPoint [0] .Time = DateTime.Now;给出了上述错误。但我认为与xsd / xml的外观相比,它与创建类/ xml的错误更相关。

Could someone just point me in the right direction concerning how to build up the xml from the class generated by xsd.exe?


Edit: Thanks YavgenyP! That was it, this code is working:


        XmlObjects.Tcx20.TrainingCenterDatabase_t tcx = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.TrainingCenterDatabase_t();
        XmlObjects.Tcx20.AbstractSource_t abstractSource = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.Application_t();

        abstractSource.Name = "TcxCreator";

        tcx.Author = abstractSource;
        abstractSource = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.Application_t();

        XmlObjects.Tcx20.ActivityList_t activityList = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.ActivityList_t();

        XmlObjects.Tcx20.Activity_t[] activity = new XmlObjects.Tcx20.Activity_t[1];
        XmlObjects.Tcx20.ActivityLap_t[] lap = new ActivityLap_t[1];
        XmlObjects.Tcx20.Course_t[] course = new Course_t[1];
        XmlObjects.Tcx20.Trackpoint_t[] trackPoint = new Trackpoint_t[1];
        XmlObjects.Tcx20.Position_t position = new Position_t();

        double lat = 10;
        double lon = 11;

        position.LatitudeDegrees = lat;
        position.LOngitudeDegrees= lon;

        trackPoint[0] = new Trackpoint_t {Time = DateTime.Now, Position = position};
        lap[0] = new ActivityLap_t {Track = trackPoint};
        activity[0] = new Activity_t {Lap = lap};

        activityList.Activity = activity;

        tcx.Activities = activityList;

1 个解决方案



Line trackPoint[0].Time = DateTime.Now; gives the mentioned error

Line trackPoint [0] .Time = DateTime.Now;给出了上述错误

Look at your code, you initialize the aforementioned array here:


XmlObjects.Tcx20.Trackpoint_t[] trackPoint = new Trackpoint_t[1];

but you never initialize the Trackpoint_t ITSELF in the array, which causes this

但是你永远不会在数组中初始化Trackpoint_t ITSELF,这会导致这种情况

trackPoint[0].Time = DateTime.Now; 

to fail (trackPoint[0] is still a null)

失败(trackPoint [0]仍为null)

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