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data Tree a = Null | Node a [Tree a] deriving Show
data BinTree a = Nil | Vertex a (BinTree a) (BinTree a) deriving Show

class Traceable a where
trace :: (BinTree a, Tree z) => z a -> [a]

instance Traceable (BinTree a) where{
trace Nil = []
trace (Vertex x l r) = trace l ++ [x] ++ trace 

instance Traceable (Tree a) where{
trace Null = []
trace (Node a x) = [a] ++ (trace (head x))}


* Expected a constraint, but `BinTree a' has kind `*'
* In the type signature:
    trace :: (BinTree a, Tree z) => z a -> [a]
  In the class declaration for `Traceable'

* Expected a constraint, but `Tree z' has kind `*'
* In the type signature:
    trace :: (BinTree a, Tree z) => z a -> [a]
  In the class declaration for `Traceable'

* Expecting one fewer argument to `z'
  Expected kind `* -> *', but `z' has kind `*'
* In the type signature:
    trace :: (BinTree a, Tree z) => z a -> [a]
  In the class declaration for `Traceable'



* Expecting one fewer argument to `BinTree a'
  Expected kind `* -> *', but `BinTree a' has kind `*'
* In the first argument of `Traceable', namely `BinTree a'
  In the instance declaration for `Traceable (BinTree a)'

* Expecting one fewer argument to `Tree a'
  Expected kind `* -> *', but `Tree a' has kind `*'
* In the first argument of `Traceable', namely `Tree a'
  In the instance declaration for `Traceable (Tree a)'


* Couldn't match expected type `[a]'
              with actual type `t0 a0 -> [a0]'
* In the second argument of `(++)', namely `trace'
  In the second argument of `(++)', namely `[x] ++ trace'
  In the expression: trace l ++ [x] ++ trace
* Relevant bindings include
    r :: BinTree a (bound at tree.hs:11:20)
    l :: BinTree a (bound at tree.hs:11:18)
    x :: a (bound at tree.hs:11:16)
    trace :: BinTree a -> [a] (bound at tree.hs:10:2)

leftaroundab.. 7


class Traceable t where
  trace :: t a -> [a]


instance Traceable BinTree where
  trace Nil = []
instance Traceable Tree where

There's another problem in the Tree instance: trace (head x) just creates the trace for the first subtree in the node. For one thing, that's not even guaranteed to exist (there could be zero branches), for another, there will typically be multiple other branches that are ignored this way. What you want to do is recurse into all the branches, i.e. for all the elements in the x list. “Doing something for all things in a list” generally suggests that you could use map. So, map trace x. However, that has type [[a]] (because each trace generates [a], and you end up with a list of those lists.

What you want to do is concatenate all of those lists together. That can be done with, wait for it: concat.

  trace (Node a x) = [a] ++ concat (map trace x)

...or more elegantly

  trace (Node a x) = a : concat (trace <$> x)


  trace (Node a x) = a : (trace =<



{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable #-}

import Data.Foldable

data Tree a = Null | Node a [Tree a]
 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable)
data BinTree a = Nil | Vertex (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)
 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable)

然后简单地trace = toList

1> leftaroundab..:


class Traceable t where
  trace :: t a -> [a]


instance Traceable BinTree where
  trace Nil = []
instance Traceable Tree where

There's another problem in the Tree instance: trace (head x) just creates the trace for the first subtree in the node. For one thing, that's not even guaranteed to exist (there could be zero branches), for another, there will typically be multiple other branches that are ignored this way. What you want to do is recurse into all the branches, i.e. for all the elements in the x list. “Doing something for all things in a list” generally suggests that you could use map. So, map trace x. However, that has type [[a]] (because each trace generates [a], and you end up with a list of those lists.

What you want to do is concatenate all of those lists together. That can be done with, wait for it: concat.

  trace (Node a x) = [a] ++ concat (map trace x)

...or more elegantly

  trace (Node a x) = a : concat (trace <$> x)


  trace (Node a x) = a : (trace =<



{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable #-}

import Data.Foldable

data Tree a = Null | Node a [Tree a]
 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable)
data BinTree a = Nil | Vertex (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)
 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable)

然后简单地trace = toList

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