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I am currently working on a small php library which would allow users to access data from the Google Play Developer Console, and insert it into a database, for future use.

我目前正在开发一个小型的php库,允许用户从Google Play Developer Console访问数据,并将其插入数据库中,以备将来使用。

To achieve this, I authenticate into the corresponding Google service with GET and POST requests (this part is still ok) and then do various POST requests to get all the data I need.


Everything was working fine, I got the script itself functioning (for fetching JSON responses) since 2 or 3 weeks, and I am launching it on a daily basis since then : no problems.


Today, I tried to launch it again, and as a JSON response for any POST request, I'm getting this :


enter image description here

I swear this is no fake, yet it's quite scary. Is Google trolling me right now? Plus, the web version of the console still works, it just seems that my requests from outside don't.


I'm working on a localhost, so the hacking possibility is near (if not) 0, and I'm really worried that I made all this work for nothing.


if Google is actually trying to silence me from fetching data, plus making me rage, they are doing it right.


I've been googling this with all sort of keywords, still no luck.


1 个解决方案



Actually, I have solved this problem. As Google Webkit seems to regularly change the format of its JSON responses, my parsing and regular expressions were not working anymore to get the correct identifiers for authentication. I still think Google is trolling users or developers of non-official APIs, but now I have found a solution : manually check my parsing functions, adapting them to get every right value, and it's working again.

实际上,我已经解决了这个问题。由于Google Webkit似乎经常更改其JSON响应的格式,因此我的解析和正则表达式不再起作用以获取正确的身份验证标识符。我仍然认为谷歌正在篡改非官方API的用户或开发者,但现在我找到了一个解决方案:手动检查我的解析功能,调整它们以获得每个正确的价值,并且它再次起作用。

It's a pain, but if someone ever gets this problem and ends here, you know what to do!


(I can't be more precise, since these changes are totally random, but those are guidelines.)


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