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I am using a SQLite database and would like to speed up my queries, perhaps with indexes or by restructuring them altogether.


Is there a tool to profile queries, that might help me decide where things are slowing down?


I know I could just enter queries into a tool like SQLite Administrator to time them, but I'm looking for something a bit more systematic than that -- perhaps something that sits in the background and looks at all the queries that I enter over a period, giving a breakdown of any bottle necks.

我知道我可以在SQLite管理员这样的工具中输入查询来计算它们,但我正在寻找比这更有系统性的东西 - 也许是在后台的东西,看着我输入的所有查询期间,给出任何瓶颈的细分。

3 个解决方案



You have a mix of questions in here. To view what queries are run and how long each takes, you'll need to either modify sqlite3.dll if an application is linking to that or if it's your own application you can write it into your code easier (we do this and long all queries, transactions, timings, etc.).


For individual query analysis, you can use EXPLAIN. It won't tell you timing of individual steps within a query but it will tel you how the query was executed.




An SQL statement can be preceded by the keyword "EXPLAIN" or by the phrase "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN". Either modification causes the SQL statement to behave as a query and to return information about how the SQL statement would have operated if the EXPLAIN keyword or phrase had been omitted.

SQL语句前面可以是关键字“EXPLAIN”或短语“EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN”。这两种修改都会导致SQL语句表现为查询,并返回有关如果省略EXPLAIN关键字或短语后SQL语句将如何操作的信息。

When the EXPLAIN keyword appears by itself it causes the statement to behave as a query that returns the sequence of virtual machine instructions it would have used to execute the command had the EXPLAIN keyword not been present. When the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN phrase appears, the statement returns high-level information about what indices would have been used.

当EXPLAIN关键字本身出现时,它会使该语句表现为一个查询,该查询返回如果没有EXPLAIN关键字,它将用于执行命令的虚拟机指令序列。当EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN短语出现时,该语句返回有关将使用哪些索引的高级信息。

The output from EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN is intended for interactive analysis and troubleshooting only. The details of the output format are subject to change from one release of SQLite to the next. Applications should not use EXPLAIN or EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN since their exact behavior is undocumented, unspecified, and variable.

EXPLAIN和EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN的输出仅用于交互式分析和故障排除。输出格式的详细信息可能会从SQLite的一个版本更改为下一个版本。应用程序不应使用EXPLAIN或EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN,因为它们的确切行为是未记录的,未指定的和可变的。



This will only answer one part of the question (the most unhelpful part, unfortunately).


I googled this up because I was looking for something to time queries and the sqlite3 client has a timer meta command.


sqlite> .timer on

sqlite> .timer

from there on in, all query results will have cpu timer statistics appended. Hope this helps at least a little bit.




Now SQLite has experimental sqlite3_trace and sqlite3_profile (see https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/profile.html for details). They can come in handy for having statistics/investigating culprit during long tests.


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