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I'm fairly new to both tools and need to go hardcore with both as I manage, monitor, and tweak a new site's design process. What sort of strategies should I ask be implemented that sets a good solid foundation for debugging, testing, and logging?


[to the degree that back-end stuff can play a role - it's .net mvc thx

[从某种程度上说,后端内容可以发挥作用——它是。net mvc thx

6 个解决方案



First off make sure you've read Firebug's docs. Some of the commands work cross-brower with other tools as well.


A simple search query will show you all available extensions for Firebug. As some people mentioned - some of them are really helpful.


Also it's important not to limit yourself to just a single tool since you will most likely be developing for multiple browsers. So make sure you take a look at webkits developer tools (Safari, Chrome) as well. Here's a good article which sums up the most popular development/debug tools.

同样重要的是不要把自己局限在一个工具上,因为您很可能要为多个浏览器开发。所以一定要看看webkit开发工具(Safari, Chrome)。这里有一篇很好的文章总结了最流行的开发/调试工具。

You might want to research how jQuery/jQuery plugins are structured/organized so you have general idea how to organise your own Javascript/jQuery code. It all depends how Javascript heavy is your application. If jQuery just provides some visual enhancements and few Ajaxified pages here and there, don't bother. From other hand if it's very Javascript heavy (as in a lot more site logic on client-side then on backend) I would suggest Prototype over jQuery, but it's just my opinion.


You could consider using automatic tools to build your Javascript if you have a lot of code. For example:


  • Sprockets
  • 链轮
  • Juicer
  • 榨汁机

On production server you want to end up with as few Javascript files as possible and make sure to compress em.


If you're interested in more links to articles/tools for Javascript heavy applications, drop a comment. I'm just trying to stay on topic at the moment.




I would use Firebug to see how things are working with a few Firebug Add-ons.


I would use YSlow to check that you aren't downloading too much and it will make suggestions if you aren't minifying and gzipping your Javascript.

我将使用YSlow来检查您没有下载太多,如果您没有缩小和gzipping Javascript,它将提供建议。

I would also use FireQuery as that highlights jQuery very nicely in Firebug. I use it quite a lot these days to see what it should be firing.


Firebug doesn't rewrite XHRequests anymore but there is a bug in the latest Firefox/Firebug where if can block long running XHR calls. Details here




I would just give a small warning using FireBug's network monitor and AJAX together. When enabled, it rewrites some HTTP headers and breaks stuff badly (well it used too, not sure anymore).


So if anything goes ape. Check that network monitoring is disabled.




I will also add for tools FireCOOKIE, as it goes very well with $.COOKIE.


When I am debugging jQuery code I am using the NET panel a lot in Firebug for all ajax requests. Very helpful to see what are you sending and what are you receiving.


Also I use a lot the comand line, to test snippets of code.


You cannot do without the console. It will be very helpful. Example:


$.get( 'url.php', {}, 
        $.each(data, function(x){
            console.log( x ); // will log each x object to see what it contains
    }, 'json'



I also suggest you install FireUnit addon. It helps you work with QUnit unit tests. Of course that is if you are planning to write unit tests but in most cases that's the very good idea.

我也建议你安装FireUnit addon。它可以帮助您处理QUnit单元测试。当然,如果你打算写单元测试,但在大多数情况下,这是一个很好的主意。



As much as you might love Firebug, Safari's developer tools are also quite powerful, and worth checking out. It's all I use when I dev.


Worth mentioning that Safari's Javascript engine is still faster than FFX's, while Chrome reigns supreme. They're playing catch-up though, so this really isn't worth caring about.


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