linux - rsyslog 配置mysql输出格式

 PANJIANSHUANG_406 发布于 2022-11-02 22:41
Note rsyslog contains a canned default template to write to the MySQL database. It works on the MonitorWare schema. This template is:

$template tpl,"insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility, FromHost,
Priority, DeviceReportedTime, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID, SysLogTag) values
('%msg%', %syslogfacility%, '%HOSTNAME%', %syslogpriority%,
'%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timegenerated:::date-mysql%', %iut%,
As you can see, the template is an actual SQL statement. Note the ”,SQL” option: it tells the template processor that the template is used for SQL processing, thus quote characters are quoted to prevent security issues. You can not assign a template without ”,SQL” to a MySQL output action.

If you would like to change fields contents or add or delete your own fields, you can simply do so by modifying the schema (if required) and creating your own custom template.


1 个回答
  • 已解决。定义template:
    $template tpl,"insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility, FromHost, Priority, DeviceReportedTime, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID, SysLogTag) values ('%msg%', %syslogfacility%, '%FROMHOST-IP%', %syslogpriority%, '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timegenerated:::date-mysql%', %iut%, '%syslogtag%')",SQL
    设置ommysql后面直接加上 ";tpl" #template name

    2022-11-05 10:33 回答
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