css - 关于margin折叠的一个问题。

 张诣轩压_143 发布于 2022-11-05 10:50


If the top and bottom margins of an element with clearance p. 157 are adjoining, its margins collapse with the adjoining margins of following siblings but that resulting margin does not collapse with the bottom margin of the parent block.



If the top and bottom margins of an element with clearance are adjoining, its margins collapse with the adjoining margins of following siblings but that resulting margin does not collapse with the bottom margin of the parent block.(有间隙不折叠)





另外,stack overflow那个家伙的答案我没再细究。pass。

3 个回答
  • 只要理解 clearance 产生的条件是当 clear 的元素在没有被 clear 的时候(正常时),它的 boarder top 要比 float 元素的 boarder bottom 要高。如果 clear 的元素本来就在 float 元素下面,就不会产生 clearance。

    If this hypothetical position of the element's top border edge is not past the relevant floats, then clearance is introduced, and margins collapse according to the rules in 8.3.1.

    所以这个规则大白话就是:对于一个带 clearance 的元素,当它 margin topmargin bottom 相邻时(比如 height 为 0 、没有 paddingborder),这个两个 margin 会跟接下来相邻元素的 margin 一起计算 collapsing,但不会跟父元素的 margin bottom 计算(这情况下就是只算这两个 margin)。

    这里还要注意 clearance 计算是以 boarder edge 做参考,所以对于 margin topmargin bottom collapse 的元素,最后要注意还会吞掉与 margin top 相当的高度。

    Then the amount of clearance is set to the greater of:

    1. The amount necessary to place the border edge of the block even with the bottom outer edge of the lowest float that is to be cleared.

    2. The amount necessary to place the top border edge of the block at its hypothetical position.

    2022-11-09 09:24 回答
  • 2022-11-09 09:26 回答
  • 2022-11-09 09:33 回答
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