
 阁下贵姓 发布于 2022-12-31 10:15



int myints[] = {20, 40, 60, 80, 100}; 
// C style array? should be stored on stack? is myint's type pointer to int or an array of int? how does it differ from myotherints?

int* myotherints = new int[5]{20, 40, 60, 80, 100}; // new always returns pointer, is this a C++ style array?     
// does this pointer get created on stack while the elements themselves are created in free heap?

int j = 5; // should be stored on stack

cout << "myints: " << myints << endl; // decays to pointer, shows address array myints is stored at
cout << "*myints: " << *myints << endl; // myints decays to pointer and is dereferenced to return value stored at start of array myints
cout << "myints[0]: " << myints[0] << endl; // [] dereferences and returns value for element 0 (20)
cout << "myotherints: " << myotherints << endl; // some value?? this is totally unlike the others, why? what is this?
cout << "*myotherints: " << *myotherints << endl; // dereferences pointer myotherints to get address that holds value 20 for first element
cout << "myotherints[0]: " << myotherints[0] << endl; // [] dereferences pointer to get address that holds value 20 for first element
cout << "j: " << j << endl << endl; // 5, sure

cout << "&myints: " << &myints << endl; // array behaving as pointer, gives address of myints[0]
cout << "&myints[0]: " << &myints[0] << endl; // array behaving as pointer, gives address of myints[0]
cout << "&myotherints: " << &myotherints << endl; // address of myotherints, is this where the pointer to the array is stored?
cout << "&myotherints[0]: " << &myotherints[0] << endl; // [] dereferences the pointer that myotherints points to and returns element 0
cout << "&j: " << &j << endl; // address of j

myints: 0x7fff096df830 <-- this makes sense to me, array decays to pointer to give first element address
*myints: 20            <-- this makes sense to me, dereference first element address for value
myints[0]: 20          <-- [] dereferences implicitly, returns value from pointer

myotherints: 0x2308010 <-- myotherints is a pointer to an array of ints, but its address is much lower compared to myints and j, why is that?
*myotherints: 20       <-- getting the value from above address returns 20
myotherints[0]: 20     <-- [] dereferences to address pointed to by pointer myotherints, returns value

j: 5

&myints: 0x7fff096df830      <-- same as below
&myints[0]: 0x7fff096df830   <-- same as above, meaning *myints and myints[0] are the same thing, this address

&myotherints: 0x7fff096df828 <-- how can the pointer to myotherints array be stored here when dereferencing it (*) returns 20 and...
&myotherints[0]: 0x2308010   <-- dereferencing this address with [] also returns 20, yet they are different memory locations unlike myints

&j: 0x7fff096df824 






2 个回答
  • C++从C语言中获得了类型衰减



    所以arr[3]变成(&(first element of arr))[3]*((&(first element of arr))+3)(这些意思是相同的).

    当您return arr;将其传递给函数(在C中)时会发生类似的事情.你的cout << arr手段cout.operator<<( arr ),这只是一个功能.好吧,它也可能operator<<( cout, arr ).在C++中,您可以将对实际数组的引用传递给函数,但它需要一些工作并且不会在您的示例代码中发生.

    如果你输入&arrdecay没有发生,你得到一个指向整个数组的指针.这很重要,因为指针算法,以及其他原因,以及数组数组如何以零开销工作. (&arr)+1指向数组的过去,不管它有多大 - ((&(arr[0]))+1)指向数组的第二个元素.

    这是int arr[3]={4,5,6};有效的,或者int arr[]={4,5,6};(同样的 - 第二个只是3为你决定数字). arr在这两种情况下都是类型int[3].它int*容易衰变,但它是类型的int[3]. sizeof(arr)是三倍sizeof(int),而不是sizeof(int*).

    当你new int[3],你没有得到一个指针int[3],而是你得到一个指针int[3]数组的第一个元素.从某种意义上说,它会被预先腐烂.这是指针的类型 - 数组的地址和第一个元素是相同的.但是类型信息(这是一个组合时间概念)不同!


    C++唯一关于new int[3]你的东西new- 你可以malloc用来获取免费商店的数据空间,并获得一个指向第一个元素的指针int*.

    2022-12-31 10:17 回答
  • 两者都是从C继承的东西(正确的C++数组的东西是std::array),但是你很困惑:





    在C++手册中应该避免内存管理,你应该使用标准库提供的容器(最着名的std::vector).C++语言提供自动,确定性和安全资源管理的功能; 包括内存资源.你应该使用这些.手动内存管理仅适用于非常低级别的编程和创建自己的资源管理处理程序.

    2022-12-31 10:17 回答
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