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How to generate WIP debug log files in ONLINE cases? For 11.5.10 and above, the WIP debug log files will be created if

How to generate WIP debug log files in ONLINE cases?
For 11.5.10 and above, the WIP debug log files will be created if
1. FND: Debug Log Filename = (Make sure this is null)
2. FND: Debug Log Enabled = Yes
3. FND: Debug Log Level = Statement
4. FND: Debug Log Module = WIP%
To get the log file, run the following SQL script. This will create an output called MoveON.txt
set pagesize 500
col message_text format a99
spool MoveON.txt
select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=&audsid order by log_sequence;
spool off
To get the audsid In online cases
Navigate to Help > About Oracle applications
· Note AUDSID Under Database Server and use it in the above sql.
To get the log messages for mobile applications
1. Get the maximum log sequence number using the following sql just before performing the test case and make a note of it.
select Max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages;
2. To get the log file,run the following SQL script.
set pagesize 500
col message_text format a99
spool log.txt
select message_text from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence > &log_sequence;
Use the log_sequence number which is obtained from the point 1.
Note: For 11.5.9 and prior, there will be NO WIP debug log files generated for online cases.

How to generate WIP log files in BACKGROUND cases?
For 11.5.10 and above, the WIP debug log files will be created if
1. FND: Debug Log Filename = (Make sure this is null)
2. FND: Debug Log Enabled= Yes
3. FND: Debug Log Level = Statement
4. FND: Debug Log Module = WIP%
To get the log file, run the following SQL script. This will create an output called MoveBG.txt
set pagesize 500
col message_text format a99
spool MoveBG.txt
select message_text from fnd_log_messages where audsid=(select oracle_session_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where
request_id = &Concurrent_Request_Id) order by log_sequence;
spool off
For 11.5.9 and prior, the WIP debug log files will be created if
1. TP: WIP Concurrent Message Level = Message Level 2
2. TP: WIP Debug Directory = "valid directory from v$parameter"
You can use the following query to find out a valid directory.
select value from v$parameter where name=utl_file_dir;
3. TP:WIP Debug File = "valid filename"
4. MRP: Debug Mode = Yes


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