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[英]Check whether an InputStream can be read by an instantiated class based on it's binary and ascii headers. Buffered so the stream can be reset after the check.


代码示例来源:origin: openimaj/openimaj

* Check whether an input stream starts with a header string. Calls the
* byte[] version of this function
* @see IOUtils#isBinary(BufferedInputStream, byte[])
* @param bis
* the input stream
* @param header
* the header
* @return whether the stream starts with the string
* @throws IOException
* error reading stream
public static boolean readable(BufferedInputStream bis, String header) throws IOException {
return readable(bis, header.getBytes());

代码示例来源:origin: openimaj/openimaj

* Check whether a file is readable by checking it's first bytes contains
* the header. Converts the header to a byte[] and calls the byte[] version
* of this method
* @see IOUtils#readable(File, byte[])
* @param f
* the file to check
* @param header
* the header to check with
* @return does this file contain this header
* @throws IOException
* error reading file
public static boolean readable(File f, String header) throws IOException {
return readable(f, header.getBytes());

代码示例来源:origin: openimaj/openimaj

* Check whether an InputStream can be read by an instantiated class based
* on it's binary and ascii headers. Buffered so the stream can be reset
* after the check.
* @param
* instance type expected
* @param bis
* the stream
* @param cls
* the class to instantiate and check
* @return can an object be read from this stream of the class type
* @throws IOException
* error reading stream
public static boolean readable(BufferedInputStream bis, Class cls) throws IOException
final InternalReadable obj = newInstance(cls);
return (obj instanceof ReadableBinary && readable(bis, ((ReadableBinary) obj).binaryHeader())) ||
(obj instanceof ReadableASCII && readable(bis, ((ReadableASCII) obj).asciiHeader()));

代码示例来源:origin: openimaj/openimaj

* Check whether a given file is readable by a given Writeable class.
* Instantiates the class to get it's binary and ascii header which is then
* passed to the byte[] version of this method
* @see Readable#asciiHeader()
* @param
* instance type expected
* @param f
* the file to check
* @param cls
* the class to instantiate the Readable object
* @return is file readable by a given class
* @throws IOException
* error reading file
public static boolean readable(File f, Class cls) throws IOException {
final InternalReadable obj = newInstance(cls);
return (obj instanceof ReadableBinary && readable(f, ((ReadableBinary) obj).binaryHeader())) ||
(obj instanceof ReadableASCII && readable(f, ((ReadableASCII) obj).asciiHeader()));

代码示例来源:origin: openimaj/openimaj

* Guess the type of the clusters based on the file header
* @param oldout
* @return guessed type
public static ClusterTypeOp sniffClusterType(BufferedInputStream oldout) {
for (final ClusterType c : ClusterType.values()) {
for (final Precision p : Precision.values()) {
final ClusterTypeOp opts = (ClusterTypeOp) c.getOptions();
opts.precision = p;
try {
if (IOUtils.readable(oldout, opts.getClusterClass())) {
return opts;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return null;

代码示例来源:origin: openimaj/openimaj

* Guess the type of the clusters based on the file header
* @param oldout
* @return guessed type
public static ClusterTypeOp sniffClusterType(File oldout) {
for (final ClusterType c : ClusterType.values()) {
for (final Precision p : Precision.values()) {
final ClusterTypeOp opts = (ClusterTypeOp) c.getOptions();
opts.precision = p;
try {
if (IOUtils.readable(oldout, opts.getClusterClass()))
return opts;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return null;

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