作者:海哭的声音2602928847 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-15 18:04
In our environment we currently have a nested folder structure that holds our assemblies. For example: \SERVER\Assemblies\SomeCompany\MyRockinAssembly\v1.0.0.0\MyRockinAssembly.dll
在我们的环境中,我们目前有一个嵌套文件夹结构来保存我们的程序集。例如:\ SERVER \ Assemblies \ SomeCompany \ MyRockinAssembly \ v1.0.0.0 \ MyRockinAssembly.dll
We are looking into creating NuGet Packages for all the good reasons and wanted to store them in the same structure. So, we would store the nupkg's in the same location where the dll's are: \SERVER\Assemblies\SomeCompany\MyRockinAssembly\v1.0.0.0\MyRockinAssembly.nupkg.
我们正在寻找创建NuGet包的原因,并希望将它们存储在相同的结构中。因此,我们将nupkg存储在dll所在的相同位置:\ SERVER \ Assemblies \ SomeCompany \ MyRockinAssembly \ v1.0.0.0 \ MyRockinAssembly.nupkg。
We then planned on adding a local intranet package source and point it at this directory. However, it doesn't appear that package manager searches nested folders. If I moved the nupkg up to be only 1 level deep it worked but that kind of messes with our existing standard.
Is there any way to get nuget to drill down through all sub folders searching for packages?
Or is this a feature request to their team :)
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