作者:beng83790si | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-17 20:32
Python 中的 PyInputPlus 模块
PyInputPlus 是一个 Python 模块,用于获取具有附加验证功能的输入。 PyInputPlus 将继续向用户询问文本,直到他们输入有效的输入。
通过 pip 命令安装模块:
pip install PyInputPlus
- T0】 【input num() 【T1]: accept the numerical value. It needs additional parameters "minimum", "maximum", "greater than" and "less than" as boundaries. Returns an int or float.
- inputstr () : accept the string value. It provides functions such as "blockRegexes", "Timeout" and "Limit".
- Input tint () : accept integer values. This also requires additional parameters "minimum", "maximum", "greater than" and "less than" as boundaries. Returns an integer.
- Input float () : accept floating-point values. Additional Minimum, Maximum, Greater than and Less than parameters are also required. Returns a floating-point number.
- Inputbool () : accept boolean values. The input can be in any case-insensitive form of "true"/"false" and "t"/"f". Returns a Boolean value.
- Input Choice () : Get a list of strings and accept one of them as input.
- Input menu () : Similar to inputChoice (), but the options are displayed as items in the menu. Menu items can be marked with letters or numbers, using "letters" and "numbers" parameters.
- Input date () : the date when the strftime format is accepted. We need to pass this format to the "formats" parameter. Returns a datetime.date object.
- Input time () : Time to accept strftime format. Returns a datetime.time object.
- inputdatetime () : the date and time when strftime format was accepted. Returns a datetime.datetime object.
- Enter no () : accept case-insensitive Yes/No or Y/N. Return Yes orNo..
inputStr() 功能用于获取字符串输入。我们可以设置提示参数,在输入前定义一个提示。类似于内置功能输入()的提示参数。通过将空白参数设置为真,我们可以允许空白值作为有效输入。通过将 blockRegexes 参数的值设置为我们想要使其无效的 regex 模式,可以阻止某些输入(即这些值无效)。
Python 3
import pyinputplus as pyip
# string input with
# additional parameters
inp = pyip.inputStr(prompt="Enter a string... ",
blank=True, blockRegexes = 'aeiou')
Enter a string... Hello
This response is invalid.
Enter a string... GFG
InputTint()功能用于进行整数输入。如果传递了任何非整数输入,函数将重试,直到给出有效输入、时间耗尽或超过最大尝试次数。默认参数用于在时间耗尽或尝试次数超过时设置默认值。限制参数用于指定用户输入有效输入的最大尝试次数,之后返回默认值(如果指定的话),否则将引发 RetryLimitException 。
Python 3
import pyinputplus as pyip
# integer input with
# limited number of tries
inp = pyip.inputInt(prompt = "Enter an Integer... ",
default = 0, limit = 3)