作者:多伦多打折优惠信息_205 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-13 17:54
函数名 ( ) { 函数体;} **跨脚本调用函数**source 写了函数的脚本 然后就可以在当前环境调用了local 变量名 意义同局部变量return 结束函数返回结果$? 可查看函数返回状态function ( ) { echo $[ $1 +$2 ] } function 10 20
调用函数直接,写函数名 小技巧 系统路径/etc/init.d/funcation 文件里带有大量系统函数 action 函数可实现以下功能
不停调用自己 linux中会不停开启子shell 递归函数一定要有结束条件func ( ) { let i++echo $i func}
#!/bin/bash COLOR = "echo -e \E [1;32m" END = "\E [0m" NUMBER = "10" disable_firewalld ( ) { ${COLOR} ********** stop the firewalld and close the firewalld *********${END} FIREWALLD_STATUS = ` systemctl status firewalld` if echo ${FIREWALLD_STATUS} | grep -o "active (running)" ; then systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld &> /dev/null${COLOR} ********** firewalld status *********${END} FIREWALLD_STATUS = "firewalld is dead" echo ${FIREWALLD_STATUS} else ${COLOR} ********** firewalld status *********${END} FIREWALLD_STATUS = "firewalld is dead" echo ${FIREWALLD_STATUS} fi ${COLOR} ********** firewalld over *********${END} } disable_selinux ( ) { sed -ir 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/configsetenforce 0 echo "目前selinux的状态为` getenforce` " } network_interface ( ) { sed -r -i.bak '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/s@"$@ ifnames=0"@' /etc/default/grubSYSINFO = ` cat /proc/version` if echo ${SYSINFO} | grep -oE 'centos' &> /dev/null ; then grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfgecho "centos 重启后生效" elif echo ${SYSINFO} | grep -oE 'ubuntu' &> /dev/null; then grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfgecho "ubuntu 重启后生效" } infor_system ( ) { RED = "\E [1;31m" GREEN = "echo -e \E [1;32m" END = "\E [0m" $GREEN ----------------------Host systeminfo--------------------$END echo -e "HOSTNAME: $RED ` hostname ` $END " echo -e "IPADDR: $RED ` hostname -I` $END " echo -e "OSVERSION: $RED ` cat /etc/redhat-release` $END " echo -e "KERNEL: $RED ` uname -r` $END " echo -e "CPU: $RED ` lscpu| grep 'Model name' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d : -f2` $END " echo -e "MEMORY: $RED ` free -h| grep Mem| tr -s ' ' : | cut -d : -f2` $END " echo -e "DISK: $RED ` lsblk | grep '^sd' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d " " -f4` $END " $GREEN ---------------------------------------------------------$END }
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